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  1. Allahu Akbar, Walillahil-Hamd First Taraweeh in 88 years will be led by (Maulana) Professor Ali Erbas (HA), himself tonight
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  2. As-Salaam alaikum, Have you ever considered the acquisition of the sweetness of faith (Imaan) and that immense enjoyment in the worship (Ibaadah) we do? The pleasure a person finds in his Sallaah impels him to delay his Sajdas. His Zikr of Allah Ta'ala emanates from the deep recesses of his heart... intoxicating him. The requirement for this intoxication and ecstasy is not wine or worldly love; the requirement for this 'high' is neither heroine nor cocaine, it is the Remembrance of his Beloved Lord (Allahu). When he recites the Holy Qur'an, it is as if he is conversing with his Rabb. The Speech of Allah Ta'ala, which he recites, deeply impresses upon his heart and establishes a profound and strong Imaan within him. With a deep hearted enjoyment, he believes that his Lord, Allah, is listening to His Own Kalaam (Speech) from the tongue of His sinful servant. Allahu Akbar! Wa Lillahil-Hamd!!
    2 points
  3. Read here: https://www-independent-co-uk.cdn.ampproject.org/c/s/www.independent.co.uk/voices/september-11-guantanamo-bay-war-on-terror-afghanistan-b1917879.html?amp
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  4. From Afghan women regarding Afghan women VID_150010127_044805_681.mp4 VID_150010715_052943_075.mp4 VID_150010827_104245_366.mp4
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  5. Thank you very much respected Admin for publishing my post. I shall abide by the rules and regulations of this site by the grace of God. Mohammad Rafique Etesam ( shaikhrafiquee)
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  6. wa'alaykumus salam warahmatullah I asked and recieved following reply so it can be done but I dont think people with websites would take the risk
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  7. This is the stance of Islamic political parties: https://www.dawn.com/news/amp/1641051 I don't know of any Deobandi madrasah in Pakistan that does not hail and support Afghan Taliban. Ghair muqallideen / ahle hadith Ulama also support them. I've heard them showing approval and praising them in their speeches but I don't know if they support them in any other way.
    2 points
  8. we should ask a scholar knowledegable in these matters
    2 points
  9. Amount of water used by Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) for wudhu and ghusl Q: How many litres of water would Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) use for wudhu and for ghusl? A: Hazrat ‘Aaishah (radhiyallahu anha) reports that Rasulullah (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) used one mudd of water for wudhu and one saa’ for ghusl. One mudd amounts to approximately 1.03 litres and one saa’ is approximately 4.1 litres. And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best. عن أنس رضي الله عنه قال: كان النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم يغسل، أو كان يغتسل، بالصاع إلى خمسة أمداد، ويتوضأ بالمد (صحيح البخاري، الرقم: 201) عن عائشة رضي الله عنهاأن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم كان يغتسل بالصاع ويتوضأ بالمد (سنن أبي داود، الرقم: 92) فتاوى محموديه 8/122 أحسن الفتاوى 4/386 تأليفات رشيديه صـ 245 Answered by: Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)
    2 points
  10. At the moment I'm celebrating as well as being wary. Just because they are the Taliban, we shouldn't give them a free pass. In fact they should be held to a stricter standard. It's very early days so let's wait and see how things pan out. I don't know what their justification is in forming a relationship with China, but I'm hoping and praying that it is all in Allah's plan and inshallah we shall see the benefit. My mind keeps thinking back to the treaty of hudaibiya and how it ultimately lead to our benefit. The first time Taliban took over, they allowed the losing side to join Taliban and gave them the same positions they held when they were in opposition to the Taliban. They also allowed the opposition to hold official positions in some areas such as Kabul. I can understand their hikmat behind this, but it backfired. The ex opposition holding positions in the Taliban gained numbers and strength and caused problems for the main leadership, including ameerul mumineen mullah umar (rh). I hope this doesn't happen again. I think this is a very critical time and the Taliban need help and support from our scholars, world leaders, and general awaam.
    2 points
  11. Nothing ELSE needs to be said about the matter. KHALAS!
    2 points
  12. No he is not a scholar, just a student of knowledge But I think he can make a lot of contribution in Maliki fiqh discussion
    2 points
  13. Mufti Muhammad Shafi Explaning following incident with Shaykh al-Hind Moulānā Mahmūd al-Hasan Someone once asked Shaykh al-Hind about the hadith: “The Prophet ﷺ has said that Satan does not pass the road which is used by 'Umar." Because the same or similar was not said in relation to the Prophet ﷺ or Abu Bakr (رضي الله عنه), the question naturally arises as to why Satan should have feared Umar (رضي الله عنه) alone, even though both the Prophet ﷺ and Abu Bakr (رضي الله عنه) enjoyed a higher status than him. Mufti Muhammad Shafi' said that in responding to any kind of critical question, Shaykh al-Hind would usually commence with a pointed, but humourous kind of remark, before providing a more comprehensive reply. Hence, it came as no surprise that in answer to this question, he opened with a quick-witted observation: "It is Satan's own stupidity. I think you had best ask him why he feared Umar (رضي الله عنه ) more than the Prophet ﷺ or Abu Bakr (رضي الله عنه)!" He then cogently proceeded to offer the following explanation: "Superiority and awe are two different things. A superior person may not necessarily be the most dreaded person. In the case of Umar (رضي الله عنه) the quality of awe was a predominant characteristic, and its presence was what the hearts of the people felt most immediately. On the other hand, in the case of the Prophet ﷺ and Abū Bakr (رضي الله عنه), the quality of beauty was what predominated in their characters. Given this contrast, the immediate sense of awe when confronted with 'Umar (رضي الله عنه) is not surprising." [The Great Scholars of the Deoband Islamic Seminary by Mufti Muhammad Taqi Usmani]
    2 points
  14. I am not an Arab I am not from the Middle-East I don't speak Arabic But why does Palestine matter to me as a Muslim and as a human? How did we get here through the lens of history? https://youtu.be/RbLEiTbzCqI
    2 points
  15. Assalaamu ‘alaykum warahmatullah I will try to answer your question to the best of my ability according to what I have learnt in these “billion courses and gazillion articles”. On a side note, these courses and articles are mostly very basic, outlining the maxims for awareness. The only in-depth courses in the UK that I know of were conducted by Ustadhah Hidaya Hartford and Mufti Abdul Rahman Mangera sahib. I know there is one in Pakistan which is in Urdu and which many UK sisters have joined. Regarding: Absolutely agree with you. They probably did not even have calendars and definitely no apps and probably did not even need to record their cycles (due to the points I’ll mention below) so no dispute with you or the Mufti sahib you consulted. In order to answer your question regarding, “why this issue is so complex that it needs tables and Apps to track” I will insha-allah first have to explain some important points which have bearing on the answer. I’ll try to be as brief as possible 1 Knowledge of Sahaabiyaat RA compared to women today: The Sahaabiyaat RA lived with none other than the source of all knowledge (sallallaahu ‘alayhi wasallam) whom they consulted through his Azwaaji Mutahharaat RA regarding these issues and would therefore be knowledgeable in this regard. Generally, among women today, ignorance of fiqhi issues prevails to the extent that many women are not aware of the faraaidh of ghusl and wudhu – not saying all women are ignorant as Alhamdulillah Allah ta’ala has blessed women great uloom throughout the ages till today 2 Things which Impact menstrual cycles: Allah ta’ala ordained for women to go through the menstrual cycles and post-natal bleeding from day one yes, however women through the ages lived in different environments which impacted their cycles differently. Many things which affect women’s cycles today were unknown in the time of the Sahaabiyaat RA. Various illnesses exist today which were unknown even a few generations ago let alone in the time of the Sahaabiyaat RA. The illnesses themselves or their treatments, medication, etc. affect women’s cycles. Added to that, there are various forms of contraception Muslim women use in our age, almost all of which cause problems with women’s cycles. The food and drink consumed today also affects women’s cycles Stress, anxiety, depression, etc. was most probably unknown in their time and this also affects women’s cycles. All this information can be verified online. 3 For non-Muslim women all of the above does not create any issue whereas the very core of the Deen is affected for Muslim women where their obligatory worship which requires the state of purity is affected (5 daily prayers, fasting of Ramadhaan, the main Tawaf of Hajj). Therefore, Muslim women need to know the basic rules of when they are allowed to continue these obligations and when to refrain and that is why there are so many books, articles and courses. 4 Misconceptions One of the greatest misconceptions that exists among many cultures is LEAVING OUT the obligatory acts of worship which require the state of purity once any type of bleeding begins. This is sinful as there are situations where a woman may be bleeding however it is termed “Istihadha” (Irregular bleeding, invalid bleeding) during which she must continue carrying out those acts of worship. 5 Few facts regarding women’s bleedings Now towards why women need to keep a record of their cycles. The Shari’ah has set out maxims regarding menstruation and post-natal bleeding. A woman’s blood can by one of three types – menstruation (haydh), post-natal (nifaas) or invalid Istihadaha). These maxims help determine which type of bleeding a woman is experiencing and as mentioned before, this impacts her obligatory acts of worship. Women develop “habits” in menstruation and purity and in the bleeding after childbirth. Please remember this point. Everything is simple as long as women’s cycles remain within the limits set out by the Shari’ah. (Note that differences of opinion exist between the Madhaahib and even within the Hanafi Madhab as these are ijtihaadi Masaail) Problems only arise when bleedings are abnormal/invalid. Many women do not experience many problems however problems do usually arise at the following stages of a woman’s life; At adolescence – Girls s begin menstruating at a much younger age than before and some start off with no regular habits and actually experience continuous or intermittent bleeding or spotting without having a complete purity of 15+ days in between bleedings (which separates two bleedings). This is generally a straight forward issue where they are “given” habits in both menstruation (10 days) and purity (20 days) which is used to determine when they can carry on their acts of obligatory worship and when they are required to refrain After child-birth – many women continue bleeding after the maximum 40 days creating confusion regarding acts of worship During menopause – most women experience a total change in their cycles from ages as early as 45 nowadays where bleeding occurs frequently without the required 15+ day purity occurring between bleedings. Use of contraception – is the most common cause of irregular bleeding for women whatever their age Keeping all the above in mind, now the answer to the question: Answer: Any ‘Aalim/Mufti will tell you that previous habits are necessary when blood exceeds the maximum or when it is continuous – by continuous I mean there is no occurrence of a complete purity of 15+ days and this situation can last for months. Experience shows that most women simply stop praying when they experience any type of bleeding or spotting no matter how long it carries on. They only consult Apas when they are made aware by someone with more knowledge. The Mudhillah is a woman who has forgotten her habits (not recorded them). For the Mudhillah the situation can get extremely serious when she suddenly experiences problematic cycles (Hardly any women remember their exact days of previous bleedings and purity as they generally fluctuate) because it is impossible to determine the bleedings without previous habits. In some extreme cases, some women may have to perform ghusl (obligatory ritual bath for full body purification) BEFORE EVERY PRAYER and thereafter repeat it in the next prayer time. However, at these times (in some cases) they may be allowed to take dispensations from other Madahaahib which is an extreme mercy of our Most Gracious Lord! And this is why there are these “billion courses and gazillion articles” so as to educate and empower women in their Deen. And this is the reason why great Fuqahaa of the past have written hundreds of treaties on the subject and as ʿAllaamah Ibn ‘Aabideen Al-Shaami (Rahimahullah) says in ““Manhalil Waarideen min Bihaaril Faydh ‘alaa “Dhukrul Muta-aahileen fee Masaailil Haydh” (The kitab taught by Mufti Abdur Rahmaan Mangera sahib) [the fuqaha have agreed on the mandatory nature of the obligation of knowing the necessary states of a person] This is to have knowledge of that ruling, which a person is in need of, at the time he is in need of it. By learning these rules in these “billion courses and gazillion articles” and following them, women are in fact worshipping their Lord. Isn’t our Deen the most beautiful?! Apologies as I could not answer in just a few sentences and also for saying you were being “Rather selfish” but this is exactly how it appears from your own words however it my not be so.
    2 points
  16. Aameen to lovely Du'a and its so good to see this topic continued, Jazaakillah Can you please double check the spelling in thsi word ? - ثَوَابَلهُ
    2 points
  17. Website: http://www.spirituallight.co.za/
    2 points
  18. There are various learning resources available online. Please refer to this section and see if they are offering Arabic course inshaAllah. http://www.islamicteachings.org/forum/category/169-online-learning-resources/
    2 points
  19. Rectified motives and reformed children The Honourable Hadith expert of our times, Al-Muhaddith, Shaykh Muhammad ‘Awwamah (may Allah protect him) often states that the residents of Madinah Munawwarah regularly make the following du’a: اللّٰهُمَّ أَصْلِحِ النِّيَّةَ والذُّرِّيَّةَ Allahumma aslihin niyyah wadh dhurriyyah Translation O Allah, rectify my intentions and reform my progeny. This brief yet profound du’a is much needed in the world today. Ponder: One who is bereft of the above two bounties will suffer in both Worlds! Intentions and the Selfie Age Unfortunately we live in an era where almost nothing is done without an ulterior motive. It’s an era wherein everything is ’selfied’, be it with a picture or even in text. Without the correct motive, no deed is accepted by Allah Ta’ala, even if that deed be as noble as it gets. We should still be focused on our intentions, instead of broadcasting our achievements! A Rare Breed The need for ‘reformed’ offspring is understood by one and all. Especially in an age where such a blessing is of a rare kind. Fortunate are those who have already achieved this. While many of us still only yearn for that blessing. Let’s include this du’a in our daily supplications, in addition to the physical effort that is needed to achieve the above. Keeping the company of the pious is very effective in achieving these two bounties. Insha Allah we will see great results. May Allah Ta’ala‬‎ accept all our efforts and du’as. Amin al-miftah
    2 points
  20. Aoudhubillahi minahs shaitan nirrajeem Bismillahirrahmanirraheem Two Characteristics of Nafs or Ego Why do the man like prohibited acts? It can be observed that the man normally develops yearning towards the forbidden acts. There is an online game because of which many youth are committing suicide. Effective measures are being taken to stop this game but people watch with more vigor. The zeal towards the forbidden acts is in proportion to the strength to prevent these acts. Adam (AS) was prohibited from eating the fruit of a certain tree. There were many trees that he (AS) could eat from but he chose to eat from the forbidden tree. When a man is prevented from an act, he becomes greedier of that act. Careful observation show two reasons behind this human behavior: 1) The nafs or ego does not tolerate imprisonment. The nafs is already imprisoned by the physical body and when it is further constrained spiritually, it becomes furious. Voluntarily a man will stay in a house for a month but the moment he was ordered to not come out of the house, he would find it difficult to oblige even for a day as his nafs would become enraged feeling imprisoned and will pressurize him to move out of the house. 2) It is not the tendency of the nafs to obey others and it finds submission and obedience very difficult. Physically it can do the most strenuous acts but mentally it finds it very difficult to submit to any simple command. This is why the biggest religion in this world is worshiping nafs whereby people obey the nafs. In fact the people of this world can be broadly divided into two groups: One group who live by the command of the Lord and the other group who live by the command of their nafs. It is because of these two characteristics of the nafs, the man finds pleasure in forbidden acts but not in permitted acts. Growing beard is very easy and it does not utilize man’s time, energy or money and it does not even hurt his skin but he finds it difficult to grow whereas he will take much effort and spend time, money and go through the pain to cut off the beard which is forbidden. Shariah has freed man from following unnecessary customs in getting married making it easy for him but he finds it difficult to oblige. On the other hand, the man will spend time, energy and waste his hard earned money which he laboriously saved for years in following the customs to please the people suiting the desires of his nafs. Do people really get pleased? Nay! He only earns up jealous people who will harm him. He finds it easy to do the most strenuous acts which will make one wonder because it pleases nafs but the simple easy acts become difficult for him as it goes against his nafs. This is the tendency of the nafs. Go Against the Nafs and Enjoy the Jannah Right in this World Irrespective of the difficulty endured by the nafs, the struggle we put to go against the nafs to please Allah SWT is what will make us attain Jannah. When we struggle against our nafs, Allah SWT will ease our path. If we go after the desires of nafs, there is hell behind its veil and if we abide by Allah’s SWT commands, definitely it is difficult for the nafs but there is Jannah behind its veil. I am not just talking about the Jannah awaiting in the akhirah but we will be able to taste the Jannah right in this world after a period of time if we go against our nafs. When we apply medicine to the wound, initially there will be stinging pain but later we will enjoy the health. Similarly, tolerate the displeasure of nafs in the beginning and later you will enjoy the Jannah of this world. If you do not apply medicine for the wound fearing the momentary pain, the wound will start rotting from inside leading to intolerable pain. Know that if you tolerate the difficulty and displeasures of nafs for Allah SWT, it will bring in the taste of Jannah like how the medicine brings health. Sins will make the Life Hell If you want to see the life of hell, look at the lives of sinners. Depending on the depth of the sin committed, deep is the hell life of the sinner. There are countries which are called paradise of this world but their inhabitants are committing suicide. Why do they commit suicide? Their anxiety, worries and difficulties are so severe like those of inmates of hell who will cry, “Alas! We wish we are dead and become dust and extinct”. Just like these inmates of hell, the sinners of this world become exasperated desiring for death and commit suicide. Can you imagine the level of desolateness, anxiety, insecurity and worries they are experiencing in their lives? In spite of having beautiful weather, house and comforts, why do they commit suicide? Depending on the severity of sins in one’s life, he will feel the heat of the hell in his life. The heat will be less when sin is small and will be more if the sin is big but for certain sins make the life that of the hell. This is as clear as a day brought out by the sun. One cannot be deceived by huge houses, factories or cars as for sure the sins committed by a person would make his life hell. Forbear the Stinging Pain of the Nafs The Quran commands one to save himself, his women and children from the fire. This command was descended on the most intellectual people that ever came on the earth, i.e. the companions of the Prophet SAW. They were commanded to save themselves from the fire of the sins. This fire is not good for your women or children and you cannot overlook their sins. Children are unaware and ignorant of the consequences of sins meted out by their environment but they are heading towards the fire. Believing in Allah SWT and following His SWT commands will definitely be difficult for the nafs but there is health behind this stinging pain and the taste of worldly Jannah behind this difficulty. Those people who are blessed with tahajjud salah or solitude worship in the late nights and in the mornings find them more pleasurable than the tastiest food. The coolness, the tranquility and the pleasure that one feels from these ibaadat (worship) are incomparable. When Hazrat ibn Taymiyyah (RA) was imprisoned and taken towards the prison, he exclaimed, “How wonderful it would be to spend my time in prison in solitude! Now I will enjoy my time of Jannah here.” When the prison guard wondered at his words, he said, “My Jannah is in my heart and it is with me wherever I go.” Who can snatch away Jannah from the hearts granted by Allah SWT? When Allah SWT bestows one deen and purity outwardly and inwardly, he has attained the Jannah of this world. Allah SWT says that such people will have tranquility in their hearts and tranquility is experienced in Jannah too. In the Jannah of this world, the man remains peaceful all the time and in every single state. This is pleasure. So have patience over the difficulty of the nafs when obeying Allah SWT for this pain is only temporary like applying medicine on the wound which will be followed by the enjoyment of eemaan (faith). The heart might desire to backbite and see forbidden things but stop the tongue from maligning others honor through backbiting and stop the eyes from seeing forbidden things. Definitely the nafs would find it tormenting but soon you will feel the coolness. How to control the Nafs? Deal with the nafs just like how a smart patient would deal with the medicine. He aims for good health and eats the bitter medicine and if it is too bitter, he still convinces himself to consume it by adding little sweetness to it or eats something sweet immediately after the medicine so his body accepts it. Do not obey the nafs but deal with it like a smart patient. It also happens that the nafs itself would not like eating certain delicious food because it knows well that it will prevent him from enjoying all other delicious foods. So teach the nafs about the severe loss it would incur if it commits a sin and losing the blessings it is enjoying. This is how a smart believer will hold his nafs. He will fully have the control of the bridle and will not lose the rope from his hand. Sometimes he loosens the rope but will have control over it. As long as the nafs is on the straight path, he will be lenient with it and when it tries to deviate from the path, he tries to bring back with a soft approach and if it doesn’t respond well, he will bring back sternly. He will deal with the nafs like how he would deal with an ignorant wife. When she shows her weakness intellectually, he entertains her by being very considerate. When a wife becomes disobedient, the husband first advices her gently and if the advice fails, he keeps her away from him on the bed and if she still persists in her behavior, he becomes little stern on her. There is no whip greater than firm determination to control the nafs. Be determined that you will not disobey Allah SWT and there is no better whip than determination for the nafs. Let Allah SWT grant His divine help to lead a life pleasing to Him SWT. Ameen -Sheikh Maulana Abdus Sattar (DB): Morning Tarbiati Majlis-29th September 2017.
    2 points
  21. On one occasion, Sayyidah Ummu Salamah (radhiyallahu ‘anha), the respected wife of Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam), was asked, “Which du‘aa would Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) make the most when he was with you (in your home)?” She replied, “The du‘aa that he would make the most was: يَا مُقَلِّبَ الْقُلُوْبِ ، ثَبِّتْ قَلْبِيْ عَلَى دِيْنِكَ Transliteration: Ya Muqallibal Quloob! Sabbit qalbee ‘alaa deenik Translation: O the Turner of hearts! Keep my heart firm on Your Deen!” Sayyidah Ummu Salamah (radhiyallahu ‘anha) asked Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) as to why he made this du‘aa in such abundance. He replied, “O Ummu Salamah (radhiyallahu ‘anha)! Every person’s heart is in the complete control of Allah Ta‘ala. Whomsoever Allah Ta‘ala wishes, He keeps steadfast, and whomsoever He wishes, He allows to go astray.” (Sunan Tirmizi #3522) In the Arabic language, the verb ‘qalaba’ means ‘to turn around’ or ‘turn over’ (e.g. to turn something upside-down). Hence, the heart is called ‘qalb’ in Arabic as the nature of the heart is such that in a mere ‘heartbeat’, it can take a complete u-turn and have a complete turnaround. From being interested, it can suddenly lose interest. From being happy, it can suddenly become sad. From feeling motivated, it can suddenly feel lethargic and depressed. From having conviction, it can suddenly be plagued with doubts and insecurities. From this, we understand the great importance of safeguarding the heart from elements that influence it towards evil and tempt it towards haraam and sin. For instance, just one stolen glance at a non-mahram is more dangerous and fatal to the heart than even a poisonous arrow. The poison of this glance penetrates deeply, and from loving the halaal spouse, the heart suddenly takes a u-turn and begins to pine for the haraam stranger. Likewise, one casual conversation or interaction with a stranger, whether in person or through social media, novels, movies, etc. is sufficient to capsize the heart. A person previously had strong imaan and complete conviction in Allah Ta‘ala, but after being exposed to corrupt ideologies, his heart turns and is now besieged with doubts regarding Allah Ta‘ala and Islam. From being a strong, committed Muslim, he becomes a borderline atheist (if not an outright atheist – may Allah Ta‘ala save us and our families!) – all because he did not safeguard his heart. Therefore, through making this du‘aa, Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) taught the Ummah that together with safeguarding the heart from external influences, we should always ask Allah Ta‘ala to keep our hearts stable and firm on Deen. If our hearts remain firm on Deen throughout our lives, then insha-Allah, we will be able to remain away from sins and will pass away while being firm on Deen and imaan. Sayyiduna Anas (radhiyallahu ‘anhu) also reports that Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) would make this du‘aa in abundance. (Sunan Tirmizi #2140) Hence, in this era of severe imaani challenges, we should all try to make this du‘aa as often as possible, and should teach it to our children as well. uswatulmuslimah.co.za
    1 point
  22. An Important Lesson for Married Couples This post is primarily directed at men. However, it applies to women also. Once a man approached a scholar renowned for his profound wisdom and experience, to complain to him, saying, “When I was fascinated by my wife, she was in my sight, the most beautiful thing in this world ever created by Allah.” “When I proposed to her, I began to see others equal to her in beauty.” “When I married her, I saw many others who were more elegant than her!” “A few years after our marriage, it appears to me as though all the women of this world are more classic and more sophisticated than my wife!” The wise man: “Shall I tell you what is more disastrous and more bitter?” The man replied: “Yes.” The wise man: “Were you to marry all the women in this world, you will find the stray dogs on the highways more attractive than all the women of the world!” The man: “Why do you say so?” The wise man: “Because the problem is not with your wife. The problem is, if a person were gifted a covetous heart and lustful eyes, and he is lacking in bashfulness, nothing satisfies his gaze except the sand of his grave. Your problem is that you do not lower your gaze from what Allah has prohibited. Do you want your wife to be returned to her previous lofty position as the most beautiful woman on earth? The man: “Yes.” The wise man: “Lower your gaze. Allah says, “Tell the believing men to lower their gaze (from looking at forbidden things), and protect their private parts (from illegal sexual acts, etc.). That is purer for them. Verily, Allah is All-Aware of what they do.” That which is not in your possession will always appear to you to be better and more precious than what is in your possession. But once you lay your hands on it, it becomes ordinary. Be content with what you possess and do not be selfish, courting all that glitter till you land in your grave. The worship of Allah is better and more attractive. The sweetness of good deeds are only appreciated by those who live for it. Finally, do not forget to invoke Allah to always beautify your spouse in your sight and grant you his or her love and compassion. Jamiatul Ulama (KZN) Council of Muslim Theologians
    1 point
  23. ‘US left with a bad name:’ Afghanistan’s last known Jew hails Taliban’s return arab.news/gw3p5 As the caretaker of Kabul’s only synagogue, residing in its compound for decades, Simintov has witnessed a civil war, Soviet and US invasions of Afghanistan, the Taliban rule and the group’s return to power 20 years later KABUL: All his bags were packed, and Zabulon Simintov was ready to go. But since the Taliban’s stunning takeover of Kabul last week, Simintov, Afghanistan’s last known Jew, has had a change of heart and plans, saying he does not wish to leave anymore. It’s a stark contrast from his narrative a few months ago when Simintov, in his late 50s, told Arab News he “had had enough,” explaining how he was fearful of the Taliban’s return to power as the insurgents made rapid territorial gains and US-led foreign troops began withdrawing from Afghanistan in early May. However, after the Taliban’s bloodless siege of the Afghan capital on Sunday and the group’s pledge to form an “all-inclusive government” and not “seek revenge against enemies,” Simintov says he has chosen to stay in Afghanistan, his home for over five decades. “A few days ago, an Afghan came from America with a plane ticket to take me (back to Israel). I said I won’t go even if the plane comes outside my home,” he told Arab News over the phone from his home in Kabul on Saturday. “I need to protect the synagogue here. I see no threat from the Taliban side. The Taliban have come; they are welcome! There is no fear, no threat,” Simintov, a carpet and jewelry merchant, added. The Taliban have sought to present a more moderate face since last week’s lightning offensive, but the group was infamous for its harsh and repressive policies when it ruled Afghanistan from 1996 to 2001, before being toppled by US-led forces and prompting many to formulate an exit plan. On Friday, NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg told a news conference that more than 18,000 people had been flown out of Afghanistan in the past few days. But Simintov, who has served twice in the Afghan army, said he would not leave, despite his wife and two daughters moving to Israel in 1992. As the caretaker of Kabul’s only synagogue, residing in its compound for decades, Simintov has witnessed a civil war, Soviet and US invasions of Afghanistan, the Taliban rule and the group’s return to power 20 years later. The Kabul synagogue, established in 1966, is the only Jewish place of worship in the country after all Jews moved to Herat in western Afghanistan, which once hosted four synagogues. Although information on the origins of Judaism in Afghanistan is scarce, it is believed that Jews came to the region about 2,000 years ago, living in relative peace and harmony in the Muslim-majority country until the mid 20th century. Once a thriving community in Afghanistan, thousands of Afghan Jews left for Israel and Western countries in the late 1940s after the creation of Israel and after the Soviet invasion in 1979. Others fled during the subsequent civil war under the Mujahideen and after the Taliban’s first ascension to power in 1996. Simintov, who was born in Herat and later moved to Kabul, describes the country’s monarchical period, which ended in 1973, as the “golden era” for Jews but also for Afghans at large. “I have no other demand from the Taliban; I want no position for myself. But like other people, want security.” And, perhaps, his copy of the Torah back. Simintov said Khairullah Khairkhaw, the former interior minister under the Taliban regime, “had confiscated the Torah from his custody in Kabul.” Khairkhaw, who was released from the Guantanamo Bay prison in 2014 by former US president Barack Obama, serves as the Taliban’s political leader in Qatar, where the group has its political office. “I will find the contact person for him and get the Torah back,” Simintov said. The Taliban’s co-founder Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar arrived in Kabul on Saturday for talks with senior group leaders and politicians on forming a new government. The government council, which was formed to fill a void left by President Ashraf Ghani, who fled the country hours after the Taliban took over the presidential palace, includes former President Hamid Karzai, Gulbudin Hekmatyar, leader of the Hizb-e-Islami political and paramilitary group and Abdullah Abdullah, the old administration’s main peace envoy. Simintov urged the Taliban “not to give any share to these former figures and militia leaders” who have been “behind the country’s destruction” and instead bring together “sound and professional individuals” from different ethnic groups and minorities. “These leaders have given their test in the past, have plundered Afghanistan and looted billions ... Their presence will damage the Taliban’s credibility,” Simintov said. Despite his hostility toward the Taliban in the past, he admits to Kabul and other areas “being safer under their rule,” blaming US leaders for “invading” Afghanistan and “creating destruction and carnage.” “The US is leaving a bad name in history by invading here. The Taliban is back, why did it spend so much money, kill so many people and now leave this way? US citizens should not vote for (President Joe) Biden and (former President Donald Trump); both of them are totally mad,” he said. “Let’s see what comes next.”
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  24. ASKIMAM.ORG A GIFT TO THE UMMAH FROM MUFTI EBRAHIM DESAI (RAHIMAHULLAH) The new redesign and revamp of Askimam was something Mufti Ebrahim Desai (Rahimahullah) had overseen for the past two years. It was his heart’s desire to launch the upgraded Askimam during Ramadhan. Due to unforeseen circumstances, the launch was delayed and it was Mufti Sahib’s last wish and directives for Askimam to be launched on Eid al-Adha 1442. It was Allah’s will that Mufti Sahib would be returned to Him during the blessed days of Hajj, and that the launch would be delayed further and instead, be a living memory and Sadaqah Jariyah for our beloved Mufti Sahib. The entire Askimam website and all its contents will remain accessible, as a legacy and a Sadaqah Jariyah for our beloved teacher and guide Mufti Ebrahim Desai (Rahimahullah). It was his life project, and we have full hope in Allah Ta’ala that He will make this website a living memory of Mufti Ebrahim Desai (Rahimahullah). We ask the readers of Askimam.org to continue making Dua and Isaale Thawab for Mufti Ebrahim Desai. To Allah belongs all praise and only He is the Everlasting. MESSAGES FROM SENIOR ULAMA • Hazrat Mufti Ahmed Khanpuri Sahib (Hafidhahullah) • Mufti Muhammed Hashim Amod Sahib (Hafidhahullah) • Moulana Ebrahim Pandor Sahib (Hafidhahullah) • Mufti Saeed Motara Sahib (Hafidhahullah) • Ml Ahmed Chohan Sahib (Hafidhahullah) Read more: http://askimam.org/public/announcement/63 Welcome message: http://askimam.org/public/announcement/61 Launch Video: _________________ *DARUL IFTAA MAHMUDIYYAH* *35 Candella Road* *Sherwood, Durban - South Africa* 📧 *Email:* [email protected] *Twitter*: @Darul_iftaa | @MuftiEbrahim *Web* Darulmahmood.net | Daruliftaa.net | Askimam.org | Idealwoman.org | One-Humanity.net *Subscribe to the Darul Iftaa WhatsApp service:* https://wa.me/27673474561 by sending us a message and saving the number to receive updates.
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  25. Assalaamu 'alaykum ww Brother CH, do you have the history of Palestine and Gaza covered on central-mosque? Like from world war 2 on, the Nakba, etc.? If not, I'm sure theres loads online but would be good if we too could compile something here in the history forum. Interested in taking it on?
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  26. Shu‘bah narrated from Hishām who said Qatādah reported on the authority of Yūnus ibn Jubair: شُعْبَةُ، وَهِشَامٌ: عَنْ قَتَادَةَ، عَنْ يُوْنُسَ بنِ جُبَيْرٍ، قَالَ: We were with Jundub b. ‘Abdillâh Al-Bajalî رضي الله عنه I asked him, “Advise us.” He said: “I advise you to fear Allāh ﷻ and obey Him (taqwā) And I advise you to adhere to the Qur’ān, For it is a light in the dark night and a guidance during the day, So implement it no matter how much struggle and poverty you have to face. If a calamity befalls you, put your wealth forward to protect your religion, And if the calamity continues, put forward your wealth and your life to save your religion [but never risk your religion], For the ruined is he whose religion is ruined, And the looted is he whose religion is taken. And know that there is no poverty after Paradise, And no riches after the Fire.” [Siyar Aʿlām ʿl-Nubalāʾ 3/174]
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  27. FREE ASSOCIATION AND PRAYER In therapy we use a technique called free association, a practice in psychoanalytic therapy, which is to let the client share thoughts, words, and anything else that comes to the mind freely. Now, the benefit of this is to help clients understand what they really think and feel about themselves, others, and the situations they are experiencing versus what they tell themselves they think and feel, in an atmosphere of non-judgmental curiosity and acceptance. A powerful experience! Now, I've been thinking about the concept of 'Dua' in our beautiful religion, and how similar it is to free association in psychoanalytic therapy. When we make dua to Allah; with our hearts, we are talking to Allah about our thoughts, worries and stressors. When talking to him we are our authentic selves, not the self we show to the world but our true self. We talk to him about our mistakes, insecurities, challenges and things that we find difficult to even speak about with others. We feel safe, held, accepted in a non-judgmental environment. We understand our problems better and feel at peace. How content and relieved do we feel after we talk to Allah with our hearts! A sense of healing! We are instilled with hope, strength and courage. Alhamdulillah This is the beauty of Dua. He listens and responds beautifully, in ways we just haven't really understood. Subhanallah! "And your Lord says, “Call upon Me; I will respond to you.” (Surat Ghafir: 60) Taken from Quotes from Therapy on Instagram https://instagram.com/quotesfromtherapy?igshid=q5qxfx0viopy
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  28. On the 25th of November Major General (Hafiz) Muhammad Abdul Aziz was promoted to Lieutenant General and given the strategic command of defense of Lahore. He is the first Madarsah graduate promoted to this level, leads Taraweeh Salah ever year to this day and is a Deobandi. https://www.24newshd.tv/25-Nov-2020/lt-gen-aziz-new-commander-lahore-corps-karachi-corps-goes-to-lt-gen-nadeem Hard nose, professional Solider, potentially marked as the next Army Chief of Pakistan. 2 of the 6 Generals promoted by Imran Khan Government yesterday have Sunnah beards His bright future and seniority can be seen in the order of promotions and the Tweet
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  29. Talk by : Mufti Faisal al-Mahmudi Topic : Khushu' in Salah and Social Media 2020_10_02_13_47_12
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  30. Pandemic & its Effect People stuck at home are coming up with all kinds of things; some create fear and some bring a smile : ) You need to be careful, people are going crazy about being in lockdown. I’ve actually just been talking about this with the microwave and toaster while drinking coffee and all of us agreed things are getting worse. I didn’t mention anything to the washing machine as she puts a different spin on things and certainly not to the fridge as he is acting cold and distant. I did discuss it with the hoover and he said the whole thing sucks. Meanwhile, the blender has mixed feelings and the taps kept running hot and cold about the idea. The whisk refused to talk about it because she didn’t want to whip things intoa frenzy and the eggs kept quiet because they didn’t want to get a beating. I didn’t check with the oven because she’s far too hot headed. The bin justspouted a whole load of rubbish about the situation and the freezer just gave my a frosty reception. In the end, the iron calmed me down: she said everything will be fine - no situation is too pressing. The tin at the back of the cupboard with no label on thinks it’s a total mystery. The knife made some very cutting remarks. The squash was very cordial about it all. Unlike the lemon who was very bitter about it
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  31. Q. Is there any belief in Islam that after a person passes away, a person’s soul moves into another form, like a form of an animal, bird or insect and roams around one’s house, family and friends looking over them? A. The belief in resurrection and life after death is one of the fundamental and core beliefs of Islam. The belief of reincarnation i.e. believing that one’s soul moves into another living form or body after exiting one’s body in an endless cycle contradicts this fundamental and core belief of Islam. The belief of reincarnation exists most commonly amongst the Hindus, Buddhist, Sikhs and also has roots in Greek philosophy. None of these has any basis in Islam. As Muslims, we believe that once the soul exits the body, it enters an intermediary state between this world and the hereafter (Barzakh) and remains there until the time of resurrection. When resurrection takes place, the soul is placed in a new body to face Judgement in the court of Allah Ta’ala. The soul does not move into another living form or body in this world after death and neither does it roam around one’s house, family or friends. If a Muslim believes in reincarnation and negates the fundament belief of resurrection and life after death, such a belief takes one out of the fold of Islam. (Ar-Rooh – Ibnul Jawzi 1/114 - Fataawa Darul Uloom 12/215) And Allah Ta’ala Knows Best Mufti Ismaeel Bassa Confirmation: Mufti Ebrahim Desai (The answer hereby given is specifically based on the question asked and should be read together with the question asked. Islamic rulings on this Q&A newsletter are answered in accordance to the Hanafi Fiqh unless otherwise stated.) Fatwa Department Jamiatul Ulama (KZN) Council of Muslim Theologians
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  32. الْقَابِضُ الْبَاسِطُ الْقَابِضُ andالْبَاسِطُ will be discussed together. These are the names which have meanings which are opposite to each other. They work in tandem and that is why they are used together. Translation الْقَابِضُ is translated as The Withholder and The Restrainer so The One Who restrains, constricts, contracts. الْبَاسِطُis translated as The Reliever, The Expander and The Unfolder. The One Who expands, unfolds, relieves. الْقَابِضُ has the meaning of closing in or constricting and الْبَاسِطُhas the meaning of opening up or expanding. Scholars say whether it’s a person’s Akhlaaq/personality, or Rizq, or their bodies and their souls, if Allah ta’ala wants to expand them or constrict them then no one can stop Him. Therefore this expanding and constricting applies to everything. Some say that الْقَابِضُ is The One Who takes the Rooh out of the body at the time of death and for life, الْبَاسِطُ is The One Who spreads the Rooh throughout the body. These words are often used in terms of going astray or being guided.الْقَابِضُ would mean to be misguided or going astray andالْبَاسِطُ means to be guided, expanded. The State of Bast & Qabdh It can also be used in terms of the heart and feelings of hope and fear i.e. feeling Allah ta’ala’s Majesty and Rahmah, feeling His beauty and kindness and having hope which would beالْبَاسِطُ and this is an expansion. When a person feels fear and restricted in terms of the feelings of Allah ta’ala then that is الْقَابِضُ Some Scholars take a spiritual take on this. We go through difficulties in life where we sometimes feel spiritually low and that is the state of Qabdh. It is a state of constriction where the heart is constricted and does not feel the closeness as much as it should. The state of Bast is when the heart opens up and one has a spiritual high and makes spiritual progress. Everything is in the Hands of Allah ta’ala Allah ta’ala can make a poor person a king or a king into a pauper. He can make a weak person strong or vice versa and this all is in the hands of Allah ta’ala. Many times Allah ta’ala shows us in the world. Two people start the same job, one of whom is very intelligent, educated, qualified, experienced, etc. and you think this person will attain success. The other person who is less educated, intelligent and experienced is expected to fail however it is for the less educated, less intelligent person that the job expands and he succeeds and Allah ta’ala is الْبَاسِطُ. For the other person Alah ta’ala is الْقَابِضُ i.e. He is restraining/holding. Story of Taaloot (Surah Baqarah, verse 246-252) The Bani Isra’eel asked their Prophet to give them a king who would lead them against their enemy but they had their own concept of who the king should be. Allah ta’ala chose Taaloot who was of the Bani Isra’eel, a young and hardworking man however not regarded by the Bani Isra’eel as capable of being a king. Allah ta’ala says, وَاللَّهُ يُؤْتِي مُلْكَهُ مَنْ يَشَاءُ ۚ وَاللَّهُ وَاسِعٌ عَلِيمٌ Allah grants kingship to whom He pleases and Allah has boundless knowledge. [last part of verse 247 of Surah Baqarah] Sometimes a person may have the image of being a great leader but does not have the ability while a person who is not regarded as capable, can turn out to be a better leader. This is something in which Allah ta’ala is الْبَاسِطُ and الْقَابِضُ Wisdom of Expansion What is the Hikmat behind Allah ta’ala being الْبَاسِطُ and الْقَابِضُ? Whenever Allah has put Bast (Expansion) in something there must be Khayr and Hikmat in it and if Allah ta’ala puts Qabdh (Restriction) in something there must be Khayr and Hikmat in it. This is mentioned in Surah Shura, verse 27, وَلَوْ بَسَطَ اللَّهُ الرِّزْقَ لِعِبَادِهِ لَبَغَوْا فِي الْأَرْضِ وَلَٰكِنْ يُنَزِّلُ بِقَدَرٍ مَا يَشَاءُ ۚ إِنَّهُ بِعِبَادِهِ خَبِيرٌ بَصِيرٌ Had Allah bestowed abundance upon His servants, they would have transgressed beyond bounds in the earth; that's why He sends down in due measure as He pleases; He is well aware and observant of His servants. If Allah ta’ala had spread out Rizq to all His creation where it was easy and made open where everyone was well to do and everyone had a lot then Allah ta’ala says, there would have been Fasaad (Rebellion or excess) on earth and this is human nature that when people have wealth there will be Fasaad and no one can escape it i.e. no one can say it would not happen to me because when Allah ta’ala says something in the Qur’an, it means it applies to all human beings with maybe the Ambiyaa being excluded. When people have wealth it has an effect and the biggest effect is that the person is not dependant on or controlled by anyone and they feel important. Hirs (Desire for the world) also increases and the end result is that the person becomes aggressive about possessions. This verse shows Hikmat. Instead of giving everything to everyone, Allah ta’ala distributed Rizq (Wealth, looks, knowledge, happiness, wisdom, intelligence etc. as Rizq includes everything) according to His knowledge and Wisdom. Sometimes you see people who outwardly have a perfect life but there will always be something they do not have. A couple who have everything they want may not have children and that is their struggle because if they had everything then it would be too perfect. Or sometimes people do have everything however soon it may get taken away or they may die early. Therefore even if everything is good we should realise that it is a test and it can get taken away. Allah ta’ala has made a system where people are dependent on one another to some extent. If a person has a lot of wealth but no knowledge then they need someone to teach them. How can a person be generous if everyone had wealth and there was no poverty? So this dependency is not a bad thing. We just look at our own personal wants and our fears are limited to our own life but Allah ta’ala gives and takes looking at the benefit of all of humanity. Saying this does not mean we should be complacent with poverty or injustice. We should still help others as this is part of our Deen. وَجَعَلْنَا بَعْضَكُمْ لِبَعْضٍ فِتْنَةً أَتَصْبِرُونَ ۗ وَكَانَ رَبُّكَ بَصِيرًا In fact, We test you by means of one another. Now, will you show patience, for your Rabb is Ever Observant. [Last part of verse 20: Surah Furqaan] Having differences in Rizq is all part of being tested, having Sabr when not having something and making Shukr when in good conditions. The Prophet sallallaahu ‘alayhi wasallam said, “Look at those who are beneath you and do not look at those who are above you, for it is more suitable that you should not consider as less the blessing of Allah.” [Ibn Majah] Use in Du’a يا باسِطَ الْيَدَيْنِ بِاارَّحْمَةِ O You who have opened Your hands for mercy! This is part of a long Du’a (Not sure if it is authentic as there is a story attached to it) It means we spread out our hands knowing the Rahmah of Allah ta’ala. There are many Du’as which ask Allah t’ala to be Baasit – to open up, to give. We should ask Allah ta’ala for His grace and to increase our love for Him. Counsel In terms of Aqeedah, to know Allah ta’ala controls all these levers in our lives and no one can increase or decrease in something except Allah ta’ala. To make Du’a for ease in Rizq and also to put effort in it in a Halaal way. A person should realise both states. When in a situation of Qabdh (Constriction), spiritually, physically, financial, health etc. then we should think of this as Allah ta’ala being just and make Sabr. We should know our reality and that we do not even deserve so many of the things. When we are in a situation of Bast (Expansion) then we should regard it as the Fadhl of Allah ta’ala that it is His generosity and make Shukr. Hearts Constrict & Expand through speech Imam Ghazali (Rahimahullah) says that there are people who can constrict and expand hearts through their speech and this is so true as we do have speakers and preachers who help and guide people. It is interesting to see this power which Prophet sallallaahu ‘alayhi wasallam referred to. Two men came from the East and addressed the people who wondered at their eloquent speeches. On that the Prophet sallallaahu ‘layhi wasallam said, “Some eloquent speech is as effective as magic.” [Bukhari] When speakers remind people of the blessings of Allah ta’ala the hearts expand and when they hear of the punishment of Allah ta’ala their hearts constrict in fear. Allah ta’ala uses both in the Qur’an as encouragement and to expand and also to constrict when we read about Jahannam. *~~*~~*
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  33. As-Salaam alaikum, It is my pleasure to share with you the following pearls and/or reminders, to guide us as we go through everyday life on the planet earth.... before death comes:-- (1) "The Zikr [remembrance] of Allah moistens the heart and cultivates tenderness in it. When the heart is bereft of Zikrullah, the heat of the nafs overtakes it; the fire of lust reaches it and it becomes barren and hard." - Sheikh Abu Abdullah at-Tirmidhi Hakeem. (2) "Body is purified by water. Ego by tears. Intellect is purified by knowledge, and soul is purified with love."- Sayyadi Ali Ibn Abi Talib (R.A) (3) "The truth of faith (Imaan) does not reach a man who does not possess 4 qualities:-- a) Performance of compulsory duties along with Sunnat b) Carefulness in eating [eat only Halal and avoid Haram] c) Giving up the prohibited things openly and secretly. d) Observing those rules with patience until death."- Sayyadi Sahl Ibn Abdullah Tustari (4) "Fear is like a candle whose flame helps a person distinguish good from evil, and fear of Allah allows a person to turn away from evil. Those who fear mere creatures flee from them; but those who fear Allah flee to Him."- Rabiya Basri.
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  34. As-Salaam alaikum, The Noble Messenger of Allah, Sallallahu alaihi Wasallam, said:-- "Man should call upon Allah alone to provide for all his needs, so much so that even if a shoe-lace is broken, he should pray to Allah to provide a shoe-lace, and if he needs salt, he should beseech Allah to send it to him." [Tirmidhi].
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  35. wa'alaykumus salaam warahmatullah I came across this article when different people suggested different wazaaif for a major illness in my family with great emphasis on them. I was quite concerned about the emphasis and I consulted people of knowledge. I would like to share the advise so insha-allah there is greater awareness regarding this issue. 1 I was advised to read this article which explains everything very concisely yet with great depth 2 The Nabawi prescriptions are the best which include: a lot of Istighfaar a lot of Durood upon our Nabi sallallaahu 'alayhi wasallam Verse 173 of Surah Aali 'Imraan abundantly - "Hasbunallaah‎u wa ni'mal wakeel" Verse 87 of Surah Ambiyaa abundantly - "Laailaaha illaa anta subhaanaka innee kuntu minadh dhaalimeen" - لَا إِلَٰهَ إِلَّا أَنْتَ سُبْحَانَكَ إِنِّي كُنْتُ مِنَ الظَّالِمِين The following du'a for cure are also from the Sunnah
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  36. A miser was on his death bed. He told his wife to put all his money in a box and bury it with him. She promised him she would. Soon after that he died. At the funeral her friend asked her if she had done as she had promised. She said yes she had and her friend looked very shocked. She smiled and said, "I deposited all the money in the bank, wrote him a cheque and put it in the box. If he can cash the cheque, he can have the money!"
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  37. Question assalamwalakum wa rahmatulllahi wa barakatu, If one does not feel the incline to studying their alima course what should you do? I have the interest in learning the content but I do not feel the motivation on a daily basis Answer In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. As-salāmu ‘alaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuh. Sister in Islam, We are pleased to hear that you have the zeal to seek knowledge of Deen. We make du’aa to Allah to keep you firm and steadfast on Deen & grant you beneficial knowledge. Aameen. There are numerous Ahaadith stating the virtues of a person who goes out to seek knowledge Rasulullah Sallallahu alaihi wasallam has mentioned: منْ سَلَكَ طَرِيقًا يَطْلُبُ فِيهِ عِلْمًا سَهل اللَّهُ بِهِ طَرِيقًا مِنْ طُرُقِ الْجَنَّةِ، وَإِنَّ الْمَلَائِكَةَ لَتَضَعُ أَجْنِحَتَهَا رِضًا لِطَالِبِ الْعِلْمِ، وَإِنَّ الْعَالِمَ لَيَسْتَغْفِرُ لَهُ مَنْ فِي السَّمَوَاتِ، وَمَنْ فِي الْأَرْضِ، وَالْحِيتَانُ فِي جَوْفِ الْمَاءِ، وَإِنَّ فَضْلَ الْعَالِمِ عَلَى الْعَابِدِ، كَفَضْلِ الْقَمَرِ لَيْلَةَ الْبَدْرِ عَلَى سَائِرِ الْكَوَاكِبِ، وَإِنَّ الْعُلَمَاءَ وَرَثَةُ الْأَنْبِيَاءِ، وَإِنَّ الْأَنْبِيَاءَ لَمْ يُوَرِّثُوا دِينَارًا، وَلَا دِرْهَمًا وَرَّثُوا الْعِلْمَ، فَمَنْ أَخَذَهُ أَخَذَ بِحَظٍّ وَافِر (سنن أبي داود، ج3ص317، المكتبة العصرية) Translation: “Whosoever traverses a path of knowledge, Allah will ease his path to Jannah. And the angles happily spread their wings for the one seeking knowledge. And every creation in the skies and the earth seek forgiveness for the seeker of knowledge including the fishes in the ocean. The virtue of a scholar over a worshipper is like that of a full moon on the night of 14th over the rest of the stars. And the scholars are the heirs of the Prophets. And the Prophets do not leave behind any wealth except for knowledge. Whosoever inherits from it has inherited a great portion. (Abu Dawood) v Below are some useful advises and tips summarized for motivation and steadfastness: 1) Don’t expect to feel motivated all the time: The fact is that no one feels motivated all the time. So don’t rely on feeling motivated in order to get the work done. Sometimes the motivation just won’t be there. That’s why you need a study routine and study habits, because systems always beat motivation. One of the best ways to deal with a lack of motivation is to stop expecting to feel motivated all the time. It’s all about consistency and making gradual progress. 2) Organize your time: The act of creating a study schedule is a form of commitment, so it will help you to stay motivated. Here are some useful steps in creating a study schedule: For each subject/book, make a list of the tasks you need to complete in order to be ready for the exam As far as possible, choose blocks of time that are the same each day (e.g. 3:30pm to 5:30pm) so that your study schedule is easy to remember Create a daily plan which lists the most important tasks to be completed for the day Review your study schedule at the end of each week. Evaluate whether you’re on track to reach your study goals by exam time. If you’re not, adjust your schedule by finding additional blocks of time for studying. 3) Group Study: Many students find it motivational to study in a group. Of course, it’s crucial that you find the right students to join the study group. These students should be focused and disciplined. Studying in a group is not only fun. It also gives everyone in the group a sense of accountability. Also, studying in a group takes advantage of the fact that everyone has different strengths and weaknesses. If there’s a concept you don’t understand, chances are that someone in your group will be able to explain it to you. When you study in a group you can pool your notes together and get much better notes than any one person could possibly produce. 4) Focus on the process, not the result: When you’re studying, it’s often difficult to see the fruit of your labour, especially at the beginning. That’s why you should focus on the process, not the result. Did you complete most of your planned tasks today? Congratulate yourself. Did you stick to your study schedule in general today? Maintain your focus. Did you put your phone in another room when you were studying, so you wouldn’t be distracted? Keep it up. Remember, it’s habits that you’re trying to form. If you get the process right, the results will follow. 5) Break the material down into chunks A major cause of procrastination is that the task ahead seems overwhelming. That’s when you need to “chunk down”. Break down each task into small chunks. Assign yourself a certain number of those chunks each day. Suddenly, you’re no longer faced with a scary task, but rather a series of manageable chunks. A chunk might be reading three pages of your textbook, completing five multiple-choice questions, or finding three reference articles on the Internet for your paper. 6) Study in short bursts Research shows that we learn better when we study in short bursts. It’s called “spaced learning”, and the theory behind it is that learning involves the creation of memories. Memories are formed through links between neurons. In order for these memories to become embedded, the neurons have to be left undisturbed for a period of time. That’s why we learn better in short bursts of studying. This approach gives the neurons time to “lay down” these new memories. 7) Exercise regularly When you’re focused on studying for a major exam, it’s common to overlook exercise. But, as far as possible, get 20 to 30 minutes of physical activity every day. This is because regular exercise is vital if you want to study effectively and stay motivated. Aerobic activity, such as swimming, jogging or walking, sends oxygen, blood and nutrients to your brain. This helps you to think and concentrate. Research even shows that short periods of light exercise immediately after studying improves the recall of new information. 8) Get rid of distractions This may seem like a no-brainer, but it’s amazing how many students try to study with one eye on their textbook and the other eye on their social media feed. It’s almost as if they want to be distracted. List all the common distractions you face when you’re studying. Do your best to eliminate every single one of them. For example, you could: Turn off your Internet access Put your phone on flight mode Put your phone in another room Mute your group chats Delete all the unnecessary apps from your phone, tablet and computer Spend minimum time if necessary. 9) If you don’t feel like starting, set a timer for 5 minutes Sometimes, the hardest part of anything is simply starting. But the fear of doing something is almost always worse than the actual doing. Once you start, you’ll find it wasn’t as bad as you thought. So if you don’t feel like getting to work, set a timer for 5 minutes. You can tell yourself that once those 5 minutes are up, you can stop work. But, in all likelihood, you would have got some momentum going, so you’ll continue. Conclusion The keys to getting motivated to study are organising your time and work, and knowing how to use your mind effectively. We also advise you to turn to Allah Ta’ala by praying Salatul hajah, Duaas, and Zikr. Read the following Duaas as much as possible for motivation and steadfastness: يَا مُقَلِّبَ الْقُلُوبِ ثَبِّتْ قَلْبِي عَلَى دِينِكَ(سنن الترمذي: 5/ 538) [ii] Translation: O Changer of the hearts, make my heart firm upon Your religion. يَا مُصَرِّفَ الْقُلُوبِ، ثَبِّتْ قَلْبِي عَلَى طَاعَتِكَ(مسند أحمد :15/ 245) [iii] Translation: O Changer of the hearts, make my heart firm upon Your religion. رَبَّنَا لَا تُزِغْ قُلُوبَنَا بَعْدَ إِذْ هَدَيْتَنَا وَهَبْ لَنَا مِن لَّدُنكَ رَحْمَةً ۚ إِنَّكَ أَنتَ الْوَهَّابُ - 3:8 Translation: [Who say], "Our Lord, let not our hearts deviate after You have guided us and grant us from Yourself mercy. Indeed, You are the Bestower. (Surah aal-Imran: 8) And Allah Ta’āla Knows Best Mahmood Baig Student Darul Iftaa Jeddah, KSA Checked and Approved by, Mufti Ebrahim Desai. Source
    1 point
  38. A Unique Bank Account! www.eislam.co.za Imagine you had a bank account that deposited $86,400 each morning. The account carries over no balance from day to day, allows you to keep no cash balance, and every evening cancels whatever part of the amount you had failed to use during the day. What would you do? Draw out every dollar each day! We all have such a bank. Its name is Time. Every morning, it credits you with 86,400 seconds. Every night it writes off, as lost, whatever time you have failed to use wisely. It carries over no balance from day to day. It allows no overdraft so you can’t borrow against yourself or use more time than you have. Each day, the account starts fresh. Each night, it destroys an unused time. If you fail to use the day’s deposits, it’s your loss and you can’t appeal to get it back. There is never any borrowing time. You can’t take a loan out on your time or against someone else’s. The time you have is the time you have and that is that. Time management is yours to decide how you spend the time, just as with money you decide how you spend the money. It is never the case of us not having enough time to do things, but the case of whether we want to do them and where they fall in our priorities. Allah Ta’ala, The Most Wise says: “By time, indeed, mankind is in loss, Except for those who have believed and done righteous deeds and advised each other to truth and advised each other to patience.” (Quran, 103: 1-3) The Messenger of Allah Ta’ala Muhammad (peace be upon him) is reported to have said: “There are two blessings which many people lose: (They are) health and free time for doing good” (Hadith- Bukhari). “I will pass this way but once, so let me do whatever good I can now for I may never pass this way again!”
    1 point
  39. السلام علیکم Just wanted to share that fatwaa.com (website of Mufti Ismail Moosa HA) has become alive again.
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  40. Shaking hands with one’s son in law Question: What is the Islamic opinion on the permissibility of a mother in law shaking hands with / hugging / kissing her son in law and vice versa. Similarly, what is the Islamic opinion on the permissibility of a father in law shaking hands with / hugging / kissing his daughter in law and vice versa? Answer: In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. As-salāmu ‘alaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuh. A son in law is a mahram to his mother in law. A mahram is he with whom marriage is permanently prohibited. A mother in law does not have to observe the laws of hijab with her son in law. Likewise, a father in law is a mahram to his daughter. The daughter in law does not have to observe the laws of hijab in front of her father in law. A son in law becomes a mahram to his mother in law through marriage. Likewise, the father in law becomes a mahram to his daughter in law through marriage. This type of mahram is not like a blood mahram. Like a mother to the son, or brother to the sister. In general, and according to people with sound nature, there is no carnal attraction between mahrams by blood. That is not so in the case of mahrams created through marriage. In principle, a son in law could marry his mother in law before marrying his wife. Likewise, a father in law could marry his daughter in law before his sons marriage to his wife. The possibility of a son in law having a carnal attraction to a young mother in law cannot be ruled out. Likewise, the possibility of a father in law having a carnal attraction to his daughter in law cannot be ruled out. It is therefore incorrect to assume that once there is a relationship of mahram between two persons, then all the laws of hijab fall off and all mahrams are governed by the same set of rules. The feeling of a father embracing his daughter can never be the same as embracing his daughter in law. A mother embracing her son can never be the same as embracing her son in law. The natural and hidden component of passion and desire between such two mahrams cannot be ignored. Shariah emphasises on shame and modesty. Rasulullah Sallallahu Alayhi Wa alam said, "Modesty is from Iman, and Iman leads you to Paradise. Obscenity is from antipathy, and antipathy leads you to the fire of Hell.” (Tirmidhi) Furthermore, if the two mahrams by marriage touch each other with lust, that constitutes Hurmat-e-Musaharah which terminates the marriage bond between the son in law and his wife or son and daughter in law. If a father in law wants to display respect and compassion for his daughter in law or if the mother in law wishes to show respect and honour to her son in law, it does not have to be done in the same way as one does with ones mahrams by birth. The father in law embracing and kissing his daughter in law or the mother in law to her son in law is incorrect. The reason for highlighting the above distinction between the two types of mahrams is we are living in an era of immoralities. We come across many incidents of immoral behaviour between mahrams of marriage. In many instances, marriages were broken. It is therefore imperative that mahrams created by marriage should exercise precaution in their relationship with each other. And Allah Ta’āla Knows Best Huzaifah Deedat Student Darul Iftaa Lusaka, Zambia Checked and Approved by, Mufti Ebrahim Desai. Jamiatul Ulama (KZN) Council of Muslim Theologians
    1 point
  41. Shama'il al-Tirmidhi - Taught by Mufti `Abdur-Rahman ibn Yusuf I absolutely cannot describe to you how much I loved this series. Alhamdulillah, Allah gave me the taufeeq to listen to every single dars start to finish. It took me a few months, but alhamdulillah, every second of it was beautiful. Highly recommended!
    1 point
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