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ColonelHardstone last won the day on July 23

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  1. Doing research to put this into easy to understand concept for Muslims...
  2. Content deleted. It shows the limitations of AI, its gathering "opinions" from highly rated content from the Internet but unable to judge opinions at this time. My Musafir content also had issues. This capability is now available on iPhone although much worse because Apple AI is inferior so this is the next generation of Fatwa-hopping...
  3. https://central-mosque.com/index.php/Acts-of-Worship/menstruating-women-and-entering-mosque.html (Free) ChatGPT is hitting its limits Gemini (Google) is giving me wrong information So I combined 2 systems and then added it to my own site in HTML When did the same with Injunctions of Traveling, AI did without a problem but with Menstruation it has taken me hours to do it! Not easy... Why? Because I wanted to know which Madhab has Mufti Taqi Usmani (HA) used in Pakistan Supreme Court Judgement 1992 SCMR 1273 which exonerates Imran Khan & his wife: https://www.facebook.com/100063939761886/posts/1924702494507910/ https://www.linkedin.com/posts/mudassir-iqbal-a687b31b2_1992-scmr-1273-activity-7154521552724668416-W2G8
  4. Please delete this thread as I can't get it to format properly on the forum Jzk
  5. I want to test AI with something complex... Content deleted
  6. Introduction Why did Iran attack Pakistan, now? Did Iran perceive Pakistan as a soft target? Why did Pakistan had to militarily retaliate? Was diplomatic dé·marche not an option? Are there any future repercussions of Iran vs Pakistan confrontation? Why are Terrorist attacks increasing and become more audacious? Why are disfranchisement Pakistani citizens supporting Terrorists? How does Pakistan reintegrated disfranchised citizens? Do the Governments of Iran & Afghanistan support Terrorism on Pakistani soil? Should Pakistan target inside Iran & Afghanistan? How does Pakistan stop Terrorism inside Pakistan? Resolving the Identity Crisis in Pakistan Pakistan needs heavy investment in Human Resource Development The biggest weapon against Pakistan...
  7. Mufti Masood ur Rahman Usmani was killed in Pakistan recently by Anit-Shia elements so situation within Sunni Muslims of Pakistan may become extremely volatile and very quickly. https://www.pakistantoday.com.pk/2024/01/06/cctv-footage-of-cleric-masood-usmanis-killing-emerges/
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