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  1. Allahu Akbar, Walillahil-Hamd First Taraweeh in 88 years will be led by (Maulana) Professor Ali Erbas (HA), himself tonight
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  2. As-Salaam alaikum, Have you ever considered the acquisition of the sweetness of faith (Imaan) and that immense enjoyment in the worship (Ibaadah) we do? The pleasure a person finds in his Sallaah impels him to delay his Sajdas. His Zikr of Allah Ta'ala emanates from the deep recesses of his heart... intoxicating him. The requirement for this intoxication and ecstasy is not wine or worldly love; the requirement for this 'high' is neither heroine nor cocaine, it is the Remembrance of his Beloved Lord (Allahu). When he recites the Holy Qur'an, it is as if he is conversing with his Rabb. The Speech of Allah Ta'ala, which he recites, deeply impresses upon his heart and establishes a profound and strong Imaan within him. With a deep hearted enjoyment, he believes that his Lord, Allah, is listening to His Own Kalaam (Speech) from the tongue of His sinful servant. Allahu Akbar! Wa Lillahil-Hamd!!
    2 points
  3. Read here: https://www-independent-co-uk.cdn.ampproject.org/c/s/www.independent.co.uk/voices/september-11-guantanamo-bay-war-on-terror-afghanistan-b1917879.html?amp
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  4. From Afghan women regarding Afghan women VID_150010127_044805_681.mp4 VID_150010715_052943_075.mp4 VID_150010827_104245_366.mp4
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  5. Thank you very much respected Admin for publishing my post. I shall abide by the rules and regulations of this site by the grace of God. Mohammad Rafique Etesam ( shaikhrafiquee)
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  6. wa'alaykumus salam warahmatullah I asked and recieved following reply so it can be done but I dont think people with websites would take the risk
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  7. This is the stance of Islamic political parties: https://www.dawn.com/news/amp/1641051 I don't know of any Deobandi madrasah in Pakistan that does not hail and support Afghan Taliban. Ghair muqallideen / ahle hadith Ulama also support them. I've heard them showing approval and praising them in their speeches but I don't know if they support them in any other way.
    2 points
  8. we should ask a scholar knowledegable in these matters
    2 points
  9. Amount of water used by Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) for wudhu and ghusl Q: How many litres of water would Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) use for wudhu and for ghusl? A: Hazrat ‘Aaishah (radhiyallahu anha) reports that Rasulullah (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) used one mudd of water for wudhu and one saa’ for ghusl. One mudd amounts to approximately 1.03 litres and one saa’ is approximately 4.1 litres. And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best. عن أنس رضي الله عنه قال: كان النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم يغسل، أو كان يغتسل، بالصاع إلى خمسة أمداد، ويتوضأ بالمد (صحيح البخاري، الرقم: 201) عن عائشة رضي الله عنهاأن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم كان يغتسل بالصاع ويتوضأ بالمد (سنن أبي داود، الرقم: 92) فتاوى محموديه 8/122 أحسن الفتاوى 4/386 تأليفات رشيديه صـ 245 Answered by: Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)
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  10. At the moment I'm celebrating as well as being wary. Just because they are the Taliban, we shouldn't give them a free pass. In fact they should be held to a stricter standard. It's very early days so let's wait and see how things pan out. I don't know what their justification is in forming a relationship with China, but I'm hoping and praying that it is all in Allah's plan and inshallah we shall see the benefit. My mind keeps thinking back to the treaty of hudaibiya and how it ultimately lead to our benefit. The first time Taliban took over, they allowed the losing side to join Taliban and gave them the same positions they held when they were in opposition to the Taliban. They also allowed the opposition to hold official positions in some areas such as Kabul. I can understand their hikmat behind this, but it backfired. The ex opposition holding positions in the Taliban gained numbers and strength and caused problems for the main leadership, including ameerul mumineen mullah umar (rh). I hope this doesn't happen again. I think this is a very critical time and the Taliban need help and support from our scholars, world leaders, and general awaam.
    2 points
  11. Nothing ELSE needs to be said about the matter. KHALAS!
    2 points
  12. No he is not a scholar, just a student of knowledge But I think he can make a lot of contribution in Maliki fiqh discussion
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  13. Mufti Muhammad Shafi Explaning following incident with Shaykh al-Hind Moulānā Mahmūd al-Hasan Someone once asked Shaykh al-Hind about the hadith: “The Prophet ﷺ has said that Satan does not pass the road which is used by 'Umar." Because the same or similar was not said in relation to the Prophet ﷺ or Abu Bakr (رضي الله عنه), the question naturally arises as to why Satan should have feared Umar (رضي الله عنه) alone, even though both the Prophet ﷺ and Abu Bakr (رضي الله عنه) enjoyed a higher status than him. Mufti Muhammad Shafi' said that in responding to any kind of critical question, Shaykh al-Hind would usually commence with a pointed, but humourous kind of remark, before providing a more comprehensive reply. Hence, it came as no surprise that in answer to this question, he opened with a quick-witted observation: "It is Satan's own stupidity. I think you had best ask him why he feared Umar (رضي الله عنه ) more than the Prophet ﷺ or Abu Bakr (رضي الله عنه)!" He then cogently proceeded to offer the following explanation: "Superiority and awe are two different things. A superior person may not necessarily be the most dreaded person. In the case of Umar (رضي الله عنه) the quality of awe was a predominant characteristic, and its presence was what the hearts of the people felt most immediately. On the other hand, in the case of the Prophet ﷺ and Abū Bakr (رضي الله عنه), the quality of beauty was what predominated in their characters. Given this contrast, the immediate sense of awe when confronted with 'Umar (رضي الله عنه) is not surprising." [The Great Scholars of the Deoband Islamic Seminary by Mufti Muhammad Taqi Usmani]
    2 points
  14. I am not an Arab I am not from the Middle-East I don't speak Arabic But why does Palestine matter to me as a Muslim and as a human? How did we get here through the lens of history? https://youtu.be/RbLEiTbzCqI
    2 points
  15. Assalaamu ‘alaykum warahmatullah I will try to answer your question to the best of my ability according to what I have learnt in these “billion courses and gazillion articles”. On a side note, these courses and articles are mostly very basic, outlining the maxims for awareness. The only in-depth courses in the UK that I know of were conducted by Ustadhah Hidaya Hartford and Mufti Abdul Rahman Mangera sahib. I know there is one in Pakistan which is in Urdu and which many UK sisters have joined. Regarding: Absolutely agree with you. They probably did not even have calendars and definitely no apps and probably did not even need to record their cycles (due to the points I’ll mention below) so no dispute with you or the Mufti sahib you consulted. In order to answer your question regarding, “why this issue is so complex that it needs tables and Apps to track” I will insha-allah first have to explain some important points which have bearing on the answer. I’ll try to be as brief as possible 1 Knowledge of Sahaabiyaat RA compared to women today: The Sahaabiyaat RA lived with none other than the source of all knowledge (sallallaahu ‘alayhi wasallam) whom they consulted through his Azwaaji Mutahharaat RA regarding these issues and would therefore be knowledgeable in this regard. Generally, among women today, ignorance of fiqhi issues prevails to the extent that many women are not aware of the faraaidh of ghusl and wudhu – not saying all women are ignorant as Alhamdulillah Allah ta’ala has blessed women great uloom throughout the ages till today 2 Things which Impact menstrual cycles: Allah ta’ala ordained for women to go through the menstrual cycles and post-natal bleeding from day one yes, however women through the ages lived in different environments which impacted their cycles differently. Many things which affect women’s cycles today were unknown in the time of the Sahaabiyaat RA. Various illnesses exist today which were unknown even a few generations ago let alone in the time of the Sahaabiyaat RA. The illnesses themselves or their treatments, medication, etc. affect women’s cycles. Added to that, there are various forms of contraception Muslim women use in our age, almost all of which cause problems with women’s cycles. The food and drink consumed today also affects women’s cycles Stress, anxiety, depression, etc. was most probably unknown in their time and this also affects women’s cycles. All this information can be verified online. 3 For non-Muslim women all of the above does not create any issue whereas the very core of the Deen is affected for Muslim women where their obligatory worship which requires the state of purity is affected (5 daily prayers, fasting of Ramadhaan, the main Tawaf of Hajj). Therefore, Muslim women need to know the basic rules of when they are allowed to continue these obligations and when to refrain and that is why there are so many books, articles and courses. 4 Misconceptions One of the greatest misconceptions that exists among many cultures is LEAVING OUT the obligatory acts of worship which require the state of purity once any type of bleeding begins. This is sinful as there are situations where a woman may be bleeding however it is termed “Istihadha” (Irregular bleeding, invalid bleeding) during which she must continue carrying out those acts of worship. 5 Few facts regarding women’s bleedings Now towards why women need to keep a record of their cycles. The Shari’ah has set out maxims regarding menstruation and post-natal bleeding. A woman’s blood can by one of three types – menstruation (haydh), post-natal (nifaas) or invalid Istihadaha). These maxims help determine which type of bleeding a woman is experiencing and as mentioned before, this impacts her obligatory acts of worship. Women develop “habits” in menstruation and purity and in the bleeding after childbirth. Please remember this point. Everything is simple as long as women’s cycles remain within the limits set out by the Shari’ah. (Note that differences of opinion exist between the Madhaahib and even within the Hanafi Madhab as these are ijtihaadi Masaail) Problems only arise when bleedings are abnormal/invalid. Many women do not experience many problems however problems do usually arise at the following stages of a woman’s life; At adolescence – Girls s begin menstruating at a much younger age than before and some start off with no regular habits and actually experience continuous or intermittent bleeding or spotting without having a complete purity of 15+ days in between bleedings (which separates two bleedings). This is generally a straight forward issue where they are “given” habits in both menstruation (10 days) and purity (20 days) which is used to determine when they can carry on their acts of obligatory worship and when they are required to refrain After child-birth – many women continue bleeding after the maximum 40 days creating confusion regarding acts of worship During menopause – most women experience a total change in their cycles from ages as early as 45 nowadays where bleeding occurs frequently without the required 15+ day purity occurring between bleedings. Use of contraception – is the most common cause of irregular bleeding for women whatever their age Keeping all the above in mind, now the answer to the question: Answer: Any ‘Aalim/Mufti will tell you that previous habits are necessary when blood exceeds the maximum or when it is continuous – by continuous I mean there is no occurrence of a complete purity of 15+ days and this situation can last for months. Experience shows that most women simply stop praying when they experience any type of bleeding or spotting no matter how long it carries on. They only consult Apas when they are made aware by someone with more knowledge. The Mudhillah is a woman who has forgotten her habits (not recorded them). For the Mudhillah the situation can get extremely serious when she suddenly experiences problematic cycles (Hardly any women remember their exact days of previous bleedings and purity as they generally fluctuate) because it is impossible to determine the bleedings without previous habits. In some extreme cases, some women may have to perform ghusl (obligatory ritual bath for full body purification) BEFORE EVERY PRAYER and thereafter repeat it in the next prayer time. However, at these times (in some cases) they may be allowed to take dispensations from other Madahaahib which is an extreme mercy of our Most Gracious Lord! And this is why there are these “billion courses and gazillion articles” so as to educate and empower women in their Deen. And this is the reason why great Fuqahaa of the past have written hundreds of treaties on the subject and as ʿAllaamah Ibn ‘Aabideen Al-Shaami (Rahimahullah) says in ““Manhalil Waarideen min Bihaaril Faydh ‘alaa “Dhukrul Muta-aahileen fee Masaailil Haydh” (The kitab taught by Mufti Abdur Rahmaan Mangera sahib) [the fuqaha have agreed on the mandatory nature of the obligation of knowing the necessary states of a person] This is to have knowledge of that ruling, which a person is in need of, at the time he is in need of it. By learning these rules in these “billion courses and gazillion articles” and following them, women are in fact worshipping their Lord. Isn’t our Deen the most beautiful?! Apologies as I could not answer in just a few sentences and also for saying you were being “Rather selfish” but this is exactly how it appears from your own words however it my not be so.
    2 points
  16. Aameen to lovely Du'a and its so good to see this topic continued, Jazaakillah Can you please double check the spelling in thsi word ? - ثَوَابَلهُ
    2 points
  17. Website: http://www.spirituallight.co.za/
    2 points
  18. There are various learning resources available online. Please refer to this section and see if they are offering Arabic course inshaAllah. http://www.islamicteachings.org/forum/category/169-online-learning-resources/
    2 points
  19. Rectified motives and reformed children The Honourable Hadith expert of our times, Al-Muhaddith, Shaykh Muhammad ‘Awwamah (may Allah protect him) often states that the residents of Madinah Munawwarah regularly make the following du’a: اللّٰهُمَّ أَصْلِحِ النِّيَّةَ والذُّرِّيَّةَ Allahumma aslihin niyyah wadh dhurriyyah Translation O Allah, rectify my intentions and reform my progeny. This brief yet profound du’a is much needed in the world today. Ponder: One who is bereft of the above two bounties will suffer in both Worlds! Intentions and the Selfie Age Unfortunately we live in an era where almost nothing is done without an ulterior motive. It’s an era wherein everything is ’selfied’, be it with a picture or even in text. Without the correct motive, no deed is accepted by Allah Ta’ala, even if that deed be as noble as it gets. We should still be focused on our intentions, instead of broadcasting our achievements! A Rare Breed The need for ‘reformed’ offspring is understood by one and all. Especially in an age where such a blessing is of a rare kind. Fortunate are those who have already achieved this. While many of us still only yearn for that blessing. Let’s include this du’a in our daily supplications, in addition to the physical effort that is needed to achieve the above. Keeping the company of the pious is very effective in achieving these two bounties. Insha Allah we will see great results. May Allah Ta’ala‬‎ accept all our efforts and du’as. Amin al-miftah
    2 points
  20. Aoudhubillahi minahs shaitan nirrajeem Bismillahirrahmanirraheem Two Characteristics of Nafs or Ego Why do the man like prohibited acts? It can be observed that the man normally develops yearning towards the forbidden acts. There is an online game because of which many youth are committing suicide. Effective measures are being taken to stop this game but people watch with more vigor. The zeal towards the forbidden acts is in proportion to the strength to prevent these acts. Adam (AS) was prohibited from eating the fruit of a certain tree. There were many trees that he (AS) could eat from but he chose to eat from the forbidden tree. When a man is prevented from an act, he becomes greedier of that act. Careful observation show two reasons behind this human behavior: 1) The nafs or ego does not tolerate imprisonment. The nafs is already imprisoned by the physical body and when it is further constrained spiritually, it becomes furious. Voluntarily a man will stay in a house for a month but the moment he was ordered to not come out of the house, he would find it difficult to oblige even for a day as his nafs would become enraged feeling imprisoned and will pressurize him to move out of the house. 2) It is not the tendency of the nafs to obey others and it finds submission and obedience very difficult. Physically it can do the most strenuous acts but mentally it finds it very difficult to submit to any simple command. This is why the biggest religion in this world is worshiping nafs whereby people obey the nafs. In fact the people of this world can be broadly divided into two groups: One group who live by the command of the Lord and the other group who live by the command of their nafs. It is because of these two characteristics of the nafs, the man finds pleasure in forbidden acts but not in permitted acts. Growing beard is very easy and it does not utilize man’s time, energy or money and it does not even hurt his skin but he finds it difficult to grow whereas he will take much effort and spend time, money and go through the pain to cut off the beard which is forbidden. Shariah has freed man from following unnecessary customs in getting married making it easy for him but he finds it difficult to oblige. On the other hand, the man will spend time, energy and waste his hard earned money which he laboriously saved for years in following the customs to please the people suiting the desires of his nafs. Do people really get pleased? Nay! He only earns up jealous people who will harm him. He finds it easy to do the most strenuous acts which will make one wonder because it pleases nafs but the simple easy acts become difficult for him as it goes against his nafs. This is the tendency of the nafs. Go Against the Nafs and Enjoy the Jannah Right in this World Irrespective of the difficulty endured by the nafs, the struggle we put to go against the nafs to please Allah SWT is what will make us attain Jannah. When we struggle against our nafs, Allah SWT will ease our path. If we go after the desires of nafs, there is hell behind its veil and if we abide by Allah’s SWT commands, definitely it is difficult for the nafs but there is Jannah behind its veil. I am not just talking about the Jannah awaiting in the akhirah but we will be able to taste the Jannah right in this world after a period of time if we go against our nafs. When we apply medicine to the wound, initially there will be stinging pain but later we will enjoy the health. Similarly, tolerate the displeasure of nafs in the beginning and later you will enjoy the Jannah of this world. If you do not apply medicine for the wound fearing the momentary pain, the wound will start rotting from inside leading to intolerable pain. Know that if you tolerate the difficulty and displeasures of nafs for Allah SWT, it will bring in the taste of Jannah like how the medicine brings health. Sins will make the Life Hell If you want to see the life of hell, look at the lives of sinners. Depending on the depth of the sin committed, deep is the hell life of the sinner. There are countries which are called paradise of this world but their inhabitants are committing suicide. Why do they commit suicide? Their anxiety, worries and difficulties are so severe like those of inmates of hell who will cry, “Alas! We wish we are dead and become dust and extinct”. Just like these inmates of hell, the sinners of this world become exasperated desiring for death and commit suicide. Can you imagine the level of desolateness, anxiety, insecurity and worries they are experiencing in their lives? In spite of having beautiful weather, house and comforts, why do they commit suicide? Depending on the severity of sins in one’s life, he will feel the heat of the hell in his life. The heat will be less when sin is small and will be more if the sin is big but for certain sins make the life that of the hell. This is as clear as a day brought out by the sun. One cannot be deceived by huge houses, factories or cars as for sure the sins committed by a person would make his life hell. Forbear the Stinging Pain of the Nafs The Quran commands one to save himself, his women and children from the fire. This command was descended on the most intellectual people that ever came on the earth, i.e. the companions of the Prophet SAW. They were commanded to save themselves from the fire of the sins. This fire is not good for your women or children and you cannot overlook their sins. Children are unaware and ignorant of the consequences of sins meted out by their environment but they are heading towards the fire. Believing in Allah SWT and following His SWT commands will definitely be difficult for the nafs but there is health behind this stinging pain and the taste of worldly Jannah behind this difficulty. Those people who are blessed with tahajjud salah or solitude worship in the late nights and in the mornings find them more pleasurable than the tastiest food. The coolness, the tranquility and the pleasure that one feels from these ibaadat (worship) are incomparable. When Hazrat ibn Taymiyyah (RA) was imprisoned and taken towards the prison, he exclaimed, “How wonderful it would be to spend my time in prison in solitude! Now I will enjoy my time of Jannah here.” When the prison guard wondered at his words, he said, “My Jannah is in my heart and it is with me wherever I go.” Who can snatch away Jannah from the hearts granted by Allah SWT? When Allah SWT bestows one deen and purity outwardly and inwardly, he has attained the Jannah of this world. Allah SWT says that such people will have tranquility in their hearts and tranquility is experienced in Jannah too. In the Jannah of this world, the man remains peaceful all the time and in every single state. This is pleasure. So have patience over the difficulty of the nafs when obeying Allah SWT for this pain is only temporary like applying medicine on the wound which will be followed by the enjoyment of eemaan (faith). The heart might desire to backbite and see forbidden things but stop the tongue from maligning others honor through backbiting and stop the eyes from seeing forbidden things. Definitely the nafs would find it tormenting but soon you will feel the coolness. How to control the Nafs? Deal with the nafs just like how a smart patient would deal with the medicine. He aims for good health and eats the bitter medicine and if it is too bitter, he still convinces himself to consume it by adding little sweetness to it or eats something sweet immediately after the medicine so his body accepts it. Do not obey the nafs but deal with it like a smart patient. It also happens that the nafs itself would not like eating certain delicious food because it knows well that it will prevent him from enjoying all other delicious foods. So teach the nafs about the severe loss it would incur if it commits a sin and losing the blessings it is enjoying. This is how a smart believer will hold his nafs. He will fully have the control of the bridle and will not lose the rope from his hand. Sometimes he loosens the rope but will have control over it. As long as the nafs is on the straight path, he will be lenient with it and when it tries to deviate from the path, he tries to bring back with a soft approach and if it doesn’t respond well, he will bring back sternly. He will deal with the nafs like how he would deal with an ignorant wife. When she shows her weakness intellectually, he entertains her by being very considerate. When a wife becomes disobedient, the husband first advices her gently and if the advice fails, he keeps her away from him on the bed and if she still persists in her behavior, he becomes little stern on her. There is no whip greater than firm determination to control the nafs. Be determined that you will not disobey Allah SWT and there is no better whip than determination for the nafs. Let Allah SWT grant His divine help to lead a life pleasing to Him SWT. Ameen -Sheikh Maulana Abdus Sattar (DB): Morning Tarbiati Majlis-29th September 2017.
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  21. As you shed Those warm tears, Crying for the past Sinful years, You just can’t utter A comprehensible sentence Yet; truthful is your repentance. Strange Is that vibration You feel As you fall On bended knees, Before He who spread darkness Into the depth of the seas. Sublime Is the sensation You get After a prostration You make In true contrition For the sake Of forgiveness, From He Who Inspired the bees. Subhaaan Al Ghafour! Rochdi Bouille March 15, 2012
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  22. DU’AA FOR GOOD EXPECTATIONS FROM AND SINCERE RELIANCE ON ALLAH TA’AALA اَللّٰهُمَّ لَكَ الْحَمْدُ شُكْرًا وَّلَكَ الْمَنُّ فَضْلًاـ اَللّٰهُمَّ إِنِّيْ أَسْأَلُكَ اتَّوْفِيْقَ لِمَحَابِّكَ مِنَ الْأَعْهَالِ، وَصِدْقَ التَّوَكُّلِ عَلَيْكَ، وَ حُسْنَ الظَّنِّ بِكَ ـ Allaahumma lakal-hamdu shukran wa lakal-mannu fadla(n). Allaahumma innii as’alukat-tawfiiqa limahaabbika minal-‘a’maal(i), wa sidqat-tawakkuli ‘alayk(a), wa husnaz-zanni bik. (Composite: Ka’b ibn ‘Ujrah and Abu Hurayrah. Kanz al-‘Ummal #3653, 3654) O Allah, to You is due all praise with thanks; it is only Your domain to do favors with grace. O Allah, I beseech You to enable me to perform the deeds loved by You, develop sincere reliance on You, and hold good expectations from You. ~~~Ameen~~~ It is important to hold good expectations from Allah Ta’aala, for Allah Ta’aala deals with a person according to his expectations. When a servant of Allah sincerely puts his trust and hopes in Him, Allah Ta’aala does not disappoint him. (Source: Khalid Baig’s transliteration, translation and commentary of du’aa #122 from the Accepted Whispers: Munajat-e-Maqbul)
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  23. The Arabic word for punishment is "ta'zir - support". This is "because the idea underlying punishment is to give real help to the criminal by punishing him." —Ma'ariful Qur'an V8 pg 84 with the reference of Mufradat al-Qur'an by Raghib
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  24. As-Salaam alaikum, Says the Noble Prophet, Sallallahu alaihi Wasallam:-- "Surely Allah has chosen 4 sentences from all speech- (1) Subhanallah (2) Alhamdulillah (3) La-ilaha il-Lallah (4) Allahu Akbar So whoever says 'Subhanallah' 20 good deeds are written for him (her) and 20 bad deeds are omitted from his account. And likewise for 'Allahu Akbar' and La-ilaha il-lallah.' And whoever sincerely says 'Alhamdulillahi Rabbil Alameen' 30 good deeds are written for him and 30 bad deeds are omitted from his account.'' (Reported in Musnad Imam Ahmad).
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  25. Rasulullah Sallallahu Alayhi Wa Sallam said: “The best of Muslims is he from whose hand and tongue, other Muslims are safe.” (Muslim) “The best of people are those with the most excellent character.” (Tabarâni) “The best prayers for women are those performed in the most secluded parts of their houses.” (Ibn Khuzaymah) “The best of you are those who feed others and return greetings.” (Abu Ya’lâ) “The best of that which you treat yourself with is cupping.” (Hâkim) “The best of days that you should perform cupping are the 17th, 19th and 21st of the month. I did not pass a single gathering of angels on the night of Isrâ’ except that they would say to me, ‘O Muhammad, perform cupping!’” (Ahmad) “The most beloved of deeds according to Allah are the continuous ones, even if they are little.” (Bukhari) “The most beloved words according to Allah the Most High are four: Subhânallah, Alhamdulillâh, Lâ ilâhaillallah and Allahu Akbar.” (Muslim) “The best of provision is that which suffices a person.” (Ahmad) “The most beloved word according to me is that which is most truthful.” (Bukhâri) “The best word of remembrance is: Lâ ilâha illallah and the best supplication is: Alhamdulillâh.” (Tirmidhî) “The best of charity is that which is given to the relative that harbours enmity against you.” (Ahmad) “The best prayer is that with the longest (Qiyaam) standing.” (Muslim) “The best of all worship is supplication (dua).” (Hâkim) Rasulullah Sallallahu Alayhi Wa Sallam was asked: “Which of the believers are the most intelligent?” He replied, “Those who remember death the most and are best prepared for what comes after it. They are the intelligent ones.” (Tabraani) Jamiatul Ulama (KZN) Council of Muslim Theologians
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  26. Ibn al-Jawzi [رحمه الله] said: «ﻣﻦ ﺃﺣﺐ ﺃﻻ‌ ﻳﻨﻘﻄﻊ ﻋﻤﻠﻪ ﺑﻌﺪ ﻣﻮﺗﻪ: ﻓﻠﻴﻨﺸﺮ ﺍﻟﻌﻠﻢ.» ❝Whoever loves that his actions are not severed after he dies, then he should spread knowledge.❞ [At-Tadhkirah, (No. 55) | Translated By Abbas Abu Yahya Miraath al-Anbiyya]
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  27. Keeping a record of your menstrual cycle is absolutely essential because many rulings depend on it. It is extremely important to keep a record of the exact time and date when bleeding begins and stops. In cases where habits become irregular and problems arise, it is keeping a record which saves a woman from unnecessary hardship of rulings such as having to perform a Ghusl for every Salaah. A simple calendar can be quite sufficient though nowadays it is quite easy to keep a record with various apps which are easily available. Attached are different types of charts you can print out. Yearly Menstruation Record Chart.docx Menstruation Recording Chart.docx
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  28. Emotional WellbeingPhysical WellbeingSelf Improvement The Beast In The Mirror: Overcoming Body Dysmorphic Disorder “Mirrors are perpetually deceitful. They lie and steal your true self. They reveal only what your mind believes it sees.” – Dee Remy Are you finding yourself in front of your mirror on a regular basis and noting all of your imperfections? Are you embarrassed to leave the home because of a minor flaw or blemish on your face? Is plastic surgery on the horizon for you in the near future? If you answer yes to any of these questions, you may be dealing with Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD). The DSM-IV defines BDD as “a preoccupation with an imagined defect in appearance. If a slight physical anomaly is present, the person’s concern is markedly excessive. This preoccupation often causes clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning. This preoccupation is not better accounted for by another mental disorder (eg, dissatisfaction with body shape and size in anorexia nervosa).” BDD is distinguished from anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa , to the extent that patients w anorexia or bulimia disorders are preoccupied with their overall weight and body shape. BDD however focuses on a specific area and is not related to weight or dieting. An example might be an adolescent who thinks that her breasts are too large and wants to have plastic surgery to reduce their size but is otherwise unconcerned about her weight and is eating normally. Recent statistics indicate a many as 50% of patients diagnosed with BDD undergo plastic surgery to correct their perceived physical defects. Individuals with BDD often focus so much on the defect, they often lose sight of the whole self. A person with a pimple on their nose might feel it is considerably larger than it actually is and their reactions fit their perception rather than reality. This may be caused by an error in the visual processing region of your brain. This visual processing error can lead to low self-esteem, high suicide risk, and repeated cosmetic surgery. Although the symptoms appear psychological in nature, new research by UCLA psychiatrist Jamie D. Feusner appears to indicate it might actually be linked to problems with seeing the big picture in the brain. In the study, subjects were shown blurred pictures of their own faces while inside the fMRI machine. Dr. Feusner observed, compared to healthy control subjects, those subjects identified with BDD showed much less activity in the brain region responsible for forming visual details into composite forms. This inability to see the whole picture generalized to other activities as well, including looking at pictures of houses. People with BDD tend to have difficulty seeing the whole picture and cannot process the context of what they are looking at. This perceptual error seems to be the underlying reason individuals suffer from a distorted self image, which defines BDD. Causes of BDD Although recent research points to an error in the visual processing region of the brain, other research indicates the cause might be related to low seratonin levels in the brain. Seratonin, a neurotransmitter produced by the brain, is often associated with depression and mood disorders when levels are below normal in the brain. Another significant factor in the development of BDD is the influence of the mass media, particularly the role of advertising in spreading images of physically “perfect” men and women. Impressionable young children and adolescents absorb the message that anything short of physical perfection is unacceptable. This may lead to developing distorted perceptions of their own faces and bodies. Family of origin plays an important role in our self perceptions, which can increase our vulnerability to BDD. Children whose parents are obsessed with appearance, dieting, and/or bodybuilding; or who are highly critical of their children’s looks, are at greater risk of developing BDD. A history of trauma and abuse can also be an additional factor. When an individual with a history of trauma or abuse buries their feelings about the abuse or traumatic incident, the oppressed feelings can emerge in the form of obsessions about physical features. This “reassignment” of feelings is called displacement. An example that best describes this displacement is an adolescent with a history of physical abuse as a young child becoming obsessed with body building and strength. Individuals with BDD can have symptoms similar to OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder) since anxiety is at the root of both disorders. Symptoms of BDD include: Ritualistic Behavior: Ritualistic behavior refers to actions that the individual performs to manage anxiety and that take up excessive amounts of his/her time. Individuals are frequently upset if someone or something interferes with or interrupts their ritual. For individuals diagnosed with BDD, these ritualistic behaviors may include exercise or makeup routines, assuming specific poses or postures in front of a mirror, etc. Camouflaging: Individuals with BDD usually spend a great amount of time camouflaging “problem” feature or body part with makeup, hats, or clothing. 94% of individuals with BDD have reported camouflaging. Mirror Obsession: Abnormal behavior around mirrors, large storefront windows, or similar reflecting surfaces is common with individuals with BDD. A majority of individuals diagnosed with BDD frequently check their appearance in mirrors or spend long periods of time doing so. A few react in the opposite direction and avoid mirrors when possible. Fishing for Compliments: Individual with BDD frequently ask for reassurance from others about their appearance. Self Comparisons: Individuals with BDD frequently compare their own appearance to others. Social Avoidance: Due to their insecurities, individual with BDD often avoid activities outside the home, including school and social events*. *The loss of functioning resulting from BDD can have serious consequences for the individuals future. Adolescents with BDD often cut school and may be reluctant to participate in sports, youth groups, or hold part-time or summer jobs. Many individuals are unable to remain in school, form healthy relationships, or keep steady jobs. Adults with muscle dysmorphia have been known to turn down job promotions in order to have more time to focus on their imperfections by working out more at the gym or fitness centers. The economic consequences of BDD can include overspending on cosmetics, clothing, or plastic surgery. Treatment Individuals with BDD often respond well to medications such as antidepressants as well as individual therapy using Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT). CBT has been found useful in reducing BDD symptoms. With CBT, individuals learn to see themselves in the mirror without the need for negative self talk or tendency to focus on the negative defects. CBT also challenges inaccurate self-perceptions the individual might have about themselves. Relaxation techniques paired with CBT work well for individuals with BDD. In more severe cases, hospitalization may be warranted for individuals with BDD. Since BDD patients have a high rate of self-destructive behavior, including performing surgery on themselves at home (e.g. liposuction followed by skin stapling, removing facial scars with sand paper, or even sawing down their teeth), hospitalization might be the best place for them to get the help they need. Individuals with severe cases of BDD have a high rate of attempted and completed suicide. Out of 100 individuals diagnosed with BDD, 48% have been hospitalized for psychiatric reasons and 30% had made at least one suicide attempt. Prevention The best preventive strategy appears to be simply challenging the perception of those afflicted with unrealistic images of themselves. Despite the pervasive influence of the mass media in our lives, we must educate ourselves and our children about the realities of those supposed “perfect” images we are exposed to. Point out the airbrushing and photo-shopping involved in getting models to look a certain way. Most importantly, talk to young children about the pitfalls of trying to look “perfect”. Teach them the importance of being well rounded, mentally and physically. Stop complimenting girls and boys on just their physical appearance and attributes. Compliment them on being smart, kind, compassionate, and generous rather than on being beautiful and cute. By doing so, you are teaching them to value themselves as a whole rather than a physical part or feature. Lastly, educate yourself on the symptoms of BDD and pay attention to changes in your children’s dress and behavior. Early intervention is key. Dr. Nafisa Sekandari mentalhealth4muslims
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  29. Assalaamu 'laykum warahmatullah! Jazaakillahu khayran once more for the excellent contribution Can you pls check the following word? Transliteration says, "wa min da’watith-thubuur" so is it a Shhen on a thaa? وَمِنْ دَعْوَةِ الشُّبُوْرِ،
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  30. Encouragment of Nikah (Marriage) Nikah is extremely important. It is a 24 hour ‘Ibaadah (worship) which includes the mundane and has tremendous potential of reward for both the husband and the wife. It is a Sunnah of all the previous Ambiyaa AS and our Nabi sallallaahu ‘alayhi wasallam who stressed on Nikah and practically showed us by his example (exceptions are ‘Isaa AS who will marry when he returns to earth before the Day of Judgment and Yahya AS) Nikah is part of Sunnah Nabi sallallaahu ‘alayhi wasallam said, “Marriage is part of my sunnah and whoever does not follow my sunnah has nothing to do with me” (Ibn Majah) A group of young men told to marry if they have the means or fast “O young men, whoever among you can afford it, let him get married, for it is more effective in lowering the gaze and guarding one's chastity. Whoever cannot afford it, let him fast, for it will diminish his desire.” (Ibn Majah) Nikah perfects a person's Imaan "Whoever Allah provides witha righteous wife, Allah has assisted him in half of religion. Let him fear Allah regarding the second half" (Bayhaqi) This Hadith is sometimes misinterpreted however Muhadditheen say Nikah is Takmeerul Imaan, it perfects a person’s Imaan. This Hadith highlights the importance of Nikah and the influence it has on a person’s social and spiritual life. Some say Nikah helps allocate a person’s sexual desire in a Halaal way. Imam Ghazali (Rahimahullah) says the sexual organs and the stomach are the most destructive factors to a person’s Imaan. So this desire is curbed with Nikah and the other half, the stomach, can be curbed by eating less. Nikah is not contrary to Taqwa Anas (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: Three men came to the houses of the wives of the Prophet (ﷺ) to inquire about the worship of the Prophet (ﷺ). When they were informed, they considered their worship insignificant and said: "Where are we in comparison with the Prophet (ﷺ) while Allah has forgiven his past sins and future sins". One of them said: "As for me, I shall offer Salat all night long." Another said: "I shall observe Saum (fasting) continuously and shall not break it". Another said: "I shall abstain from women and shall never marry". The Prophet (ﷺ) came to them and said, "Are you the people who said such and such things? By Allah, I fear Allah more than you do, and I am most obedient and dutiful among you to Him, but still I observe fast and break it; perform Salat and sleep at night and take wives. So whoever turns away from my Sunnah does not belong to me". (Al-Bukhari and Muslim) The concept of marriage is highly emphasised in this Hadith. The Prophet sallallaahu ‘alayhi wasallam removes the false notion that marriage, having children, eating, sleeping, etc. are contrary to Taqwa. Our Deen has made it easy for us to live as Believers 24 hours a day. A person being “not from” our Prophet sallallaahu ‘alayhi wasallam is a very serious matter. It is tantamount to Kufr. Not marrying without a valid reason is going against the Sunnah and detrimental to one’s Imaan. Even worse is to reject the notion of marriage i.e. saying celibacy is better than marriage. Other religions regard celibacy as the highest stage of relationship with Allah ta’ala (priesthood, nuns, monks). It is Allah ta’ala Who has put feelings of desire in humans and He gives a solution for it through marriage. Choosing this option will aid in piety and devotion to Allah ta’ala.
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  31. Sunnah of Eating & Drinking Sayyiduna Anas Radiyallahu anhu narrates that Rasulullah Sallallahu alayhi wa sallm said, “Whoever revives my Sunnah loves me. And whoever loves me, shall be with me in Jannah.” (Sunan Tirmidhi) ______________________________ 1) To spread the dining mat (table cloth). (Bukhari) 2) To wash both hands. (Ibn Majah) 3) To remove one's shoes. (Ibn Majah) 4) To eat with the intention of gaining strength for Ibadah. (At-Targhib wat-Tarhib) 5) To sit on the floor. (Bukhari) 6) To eat together and share the utensils. (Ibn Majah) 7) To eat with the right hand. (Bukhari) 8) To eat from what is closest to you on the plate. (Bukhari) 9) To eat with three fingers, but if the need arises, then to use five fingers is also permissible. (Fathul Bari) 10) To refrain from eating or drinking very hot food or drink. (Kanzul Ummal) 11) Not to blow on the food or drink (to cool it). (Abu Dawud) 12) To lick the fingers after eating. (Muslim) 13) If a morsel falls on the floor, one should pick it up, clean it and eat it. (Muslim) 14) Not to criticise the food. (Bukhari) 15) To clean the plate thoroughly ensuring no food goes to waste. (Muslim) 16) To recite the Duas before & after eating. Jamiatul Ulama (KZN) Council of Muslim Theologians
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  32. بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم Tazkiyah-tun Nafs and Bay’ah Tazkiyah-tun Nafs (self-rectification) is Fardh (incumbent) upon each and every individual. It is possible to achieve Tazkiyah through seeking Ilm (knowledge) and more importantly, acting upon the Ilm provided it was obtained from reliable sources and teachers. Spiritual development under the auspicious supervision of a capable Shaykh (spiritual guide) will enable an individual to reach levels of spirituality which are not easily attainable independently. The most fundamental tenet in this path is the constant or prolonged company and supervision of a Shaykh. This can be achieved with or without Bay’ah. Therefore, taking bay’ah will be a Mustahab act. However, given that Bay’ah can be proven from Rasulullah Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam and the Sahabah, taking Bay’ah will be a means of Barakah (blessings) and ease on this journey of Tazkiyah. Source : [Imdaadul Fatawa / Vol 5, Pg 246-247 and Imdaadul Ahkaam / Vol 1, Pg 48 of Moulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi Rahimahullah] Mufti Ebrahim Desai Darul Mahmood | darulmahmood.net
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  33. Repentance The Ulama have stated: “It is necessary to repent from every sin. If the offense involves the Rights of Allah, not a human, then there are three conditions to be met in order that the repentance be accepted by Allah: 1. To desist from committing it. 2. To feel sorry for committing it. 3. To make firm intention not to recommit the sin Any repentance failing to meet any of these three conditions would not be sincere. However, if the sin involves a human's right, it requires a fourth condition, i.e., to absolve oneself from such right. If it is a property, it should be returned it to its rightful owner. If it is slandering or backbiting, one should ask the pardon of the offended.” Allah, the, Exalted says: § “And beg Allah to forgive you, O believers, that you may be successful.” (24:31) § “Seek the forgiveness of your Rabb, and turn to Him in repentance.” (11:3) § “O you who believe! Turn to Allah with sincere repentance!” (66:8) Rasulullah Sallallahu Alayhi wa Sallam has stated: “Turn in repentance to Allah and beg pardon of Him. I turn to Him in repentance a hundred times a day!” (Muslim) Compiled from: Riyaadus-Saaliheen (Source: Jamiatul Ulama (KZN) newsletter)
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  34. TITLE How do we know that failure was because of laziness or Taqdeer? QUESTION How can we determine that behind our failure in a specific task whether our laziness is culpable or Allah's will is responsible? ANSWER In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. As-salāmu ‘alaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuh. We are living in the world of means. [Asbaab]. We are required to adopt means to fulfil our needs. If one sits back and does not adopt means, then the failure is definitely attributed to one’s negligence. When one adopts means, he should not trust in his means, as the means are not effective in themselves. Our belief is Allah is muassire haqeeqi [the real causer of effects]. To place ones trust in ones means is against our belief. Once a person adopts all the necessary means in achieving anything, he should place his trust in Allah and Taqdeer. Whatever happens after that, whether ones objective is fulfilled or not, it is the decision of Allah. If ones objective is not fulfilled, he will still be rewarded for adopting means and submitting to Allah and Taqdeer. The greatest act of worship is to submit to Taqdeer and be happy with the decree of Allah. If this attitude is entrenched in an individual, he will have no grief and regrets for anything. And Allah Ta’āla Knows Best Ridwaan Ibn Khalid Esmail [Kasak] Student Darul Iftaa Katete, Zambia Checked and Approved by, Mufti Ebrahim Desai. http://askimam.org/public/question_detail/37393
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  35. Practicing black magic Q: I want to know about black magic. Is it permissible to practise it for a good purpose? A: Practising black magic is prohibited and haraam in Islam. There are severe warnings sounded in the Mubaarak Ahaadith for the person who gets involved in this grave sin. In many cases, the intention for doing the black magic is haraam and the action is also haraam as it involves oppression and transgression e.g. one wishes to marry a certain woman against her wishes or one wishes to extort wealth from a person. In these cases, the intention is to oppress the person and make him do things against his wishes. Practising black magic, at times, can cause one to lose one's imaan, as in certain cases, one is required to carry out actions of shirk and kufr. Even if the black magic does not entail actions of shirk and kufr, then most of the time, the wordings or practices adopted to make the black magic effective are haraam. Hence, in this case, though one will not be committing shirk and kufr, one will certainly be involving himself in haraam. Therefore, the Hadith has prohibited black magic and regarded it as one of the major sins in Islam. Hazrat Abu Hurairah (radhiyallahu ‘anhu) reports that Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) said, عن أبي هريرة رضي الله عنه، عن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم قال: اجتنبوا السبع الموبقات، قالوا: يا رسول الله وما هن، قال: الشرك بالله، والسحر، وقتل النفس التي حرم الله إلا بالحق، وأكل الربا، وأكل مال اليتيم، والتولي يوم الزحف، وقذف المحصنات المؤمنات الغافلات.(صحيح البخاري الرقم 2766) “Refrain from seven destructive sins” The Sahaabah (radhiyallahu ‘anhum) asked, “O Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam), what are the seven destructive sins?” Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) replied, “Ascribing partners with Allah Ta‘ala, practicing black magic, murdering an (innocent) soul which Allah Ta‘ala has forbidden (you to kill) except with a right, consuming usury, usurping the wealth of an orphan, fleeing from the battle field and making false accusations of Zina against innocent, chaste, believing women.” (Saheeh al-Bukhaari #2766) And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best. Answered by: Mufti Zakaria Makada Checked & Approved: Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)
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  36. Question assalamwalakum wa rahmatulllahi wa barakatu, If one does not feel the incline to studying their alima course what should you do? I have the interest in learning the content but I do not feel the motivation on a daily basis Answer In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. As-salāmu ‘alaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuh. Sister in Islam, We are pleased to hear that you have the zeal to seek knowledge of Deen. We make du’aa to Allah to keep you firm and steadfast on Deen & grant you beneficial knowledge. Aameen. There are numerous Ahaadith stating the virtues of a person who goes out to seek knowledge Rasulullah Sallallahu alaihi wasallam has mentioned: منْ سَلَكَ طَرِيقًا يَطْلُبُ فِيهِ عِلْمًا سَهل اللَّهُ بِهِ طَرِيقًا مِنْ طُرُقِ الْجَنَّةِ، وَإِنَّ الْمَلَائِكَةَ لَتَضَعُ أَجْنِحَتَهَا رِضًا لِطَالِبِ الْعِلْمِ، وَإِنَّ الْعَالِمَ لَيَسْتَغْفِرُ لَهُ مَنْ فِي السَّمَوَاتِ، وَمَنْ فِي الْأَرْضِ، وَالْحِيتَانُ فِي جَوْفِ الْمَاءِ، وَإِنَّ فَضْلَ الْعَالِمِ عَلَى الْعَابِدِ، كَفَضْلِ الْقَمَرِ لَيْلَةَ الْبَدْرِ عَلَى سَائِرِ الْكَوَاكِبِ، وَإِنَّ الْعُلَمَاءَ وَرَثَةُ الْأَنْبِيَاءِ، وَإِنَّ الْأَنْبِيَاءَ لَمْ يُوَرِّثُوا دِينَارًا، وَلَا دِرْهَمًا وَرَّثُوا الْعِلْمَ، فَمَنْ أَخَذَهُ أَخَذَ بِحَظٍّ وَافِر (سنن أبي داود، ج3ص317، المكتبة العصرية) Translation: “Whosoever traverses a path of knowledge, Allah will ease his path to Jannah. And the angles happily spread their wings for the one seeking knowledge. And every creation in the skies and the earth seek forgiveness for the seeker of knowledge including the fishes in the ocean. The virtue of a scholar over a worshipper is like that of a full moon on the night of 14th over the rest of the stars. And the scholars are the heirs of the Prophets. And the Prophets do not leave behind any wealth except for knowledge. Whosoever inherits from it has inherited a great portion. (Abu Dawood) v Below are some useful advises and tips summarized for motivation and steadfastness: 1) Don’t expect to feel motivated all the time: The fact is that no one feels motivated all the time. So don’t rely on feeling motivated in order to get the work done. Sometimes the motivation just won’t be there. That’s why you need a study routine and study habits, because systems always beat motivation. One of the best ways to deal with a lack of motivation is to stop expecting to feel motivated all the time. It’s all about consistency and making gradual progress. 2) Organize your time: The act of creating a study schedule is a form of commitment, so it will help you to stay motivated. Here are some useful steps in creating a study schedule: For each subject/book, make a list of the tasks you need to complete in order to be ready for the exam As far as possible, choose blocks of time that are the same each day (e.g. 3:30pm to 5:30pm) so that your study schedule is easy to remember Create a daily plan which lists the most important tasks to be completed for the day Review your study schedule at the end of each week. Evaluate whether you’re on track to reach your study goals by exam time. If you’re not, adjust your schedule by finding additional blocks of time for studying. 3) Group Study: Many students find it motivational to study in a group. Of course, it’s crucial that you find the right students to join the study group. These students should be focused and disciplined. Studying in a group is not only fun. It also gives everyone in the group a sense of accountability. Also, studying in a group takes advantage of the fact that everyone has different strengths and weaknesses. If there’s a concept you don’t understand, chances are that someone in your group will be able to explain it to you. When you study in a group you can pool your notes together and get much better notes than any one person could possibly produce. 4) Focus on the process, not the result: When you’re studying, it’s often difficult to see the fruit of your labour, especially at the beginning. That’s why you should focus on the process, not the result. Did you complete most of your planned tasks today? Congratulate yourself. Did you stick to your study schedule in general today? Maintain your focus. Did you put your phone in another room when you were studying, so you wouldn’t be distracted? Keep it up. Remember, it’s habits that you’re trying to form. If you get the process right, the results will follow. 5) Break the material down into chunks A major cause of procrastination is that the task ahead seems overwhelming. That’s when you need to “chunk down”. Break down each task into small chunks. Assign yourself a certain number of those chunks each day. Suddenly, you’re no longer faced with a scary task, but rather a series of manageable chunks. A chunk might be reading three pages of your textbook, completing five multiple-choice questions, or finding three reference articles on the Internet for your paper. 6) Study in short bursts Research shows that we learn better when we study in short bursts. It’s called “spaced learning”, and the theory behind it is that learning involves the creation of memories. Memories are formed through links between neurons. In order for these memories to become embedded, the neurons have to be left undisturbed for a period of time. That’s why we learn better in short bursts of studying. This approach gives the neurons time to “lay down” these new memories. 7) Exercise regularly When you’re focused on studying for a major exam, it’s common to overlook exercise. But, as far as possible, get 20 to 30 minutes of physical activity every day. This is because regular exercise is vital if you want to study effectively and stay motivated. Aerobic activity, such as swimming, jogging or walking, sends oxygen, blood and nutrients to your brain. This helps you to think and concentrate. Research even shows that short periods of light exercise immediately after studying improves the recall of new information. 8) Get rid of distractions This may seem like a no-brainer, but it’s amazing how many students try to study with one eye on their textbook and the other eye on their social media feed. It’s almost as if they want to be distracted. List all the common distractions you face when you’re studying. Do your best to eliminate every single one of them. For example, you could: Turn off your Internet access Put your phone on flight mode Put your phone in another room Mute your group chats Delete all the unnecessary apps from your phone, tablet and computer Spend minimum time if necessary. 9) If you don’t feel like starting, set a timer for 5 minutes Sometimes, the hardest part of anything is simply starting. But the fear of doing something is almost always worse than the actual doing. Once you start, you’ll find it wasn’t as bad as you thought. So if you don’t feel like getting to work, set a timer for 5 minutes. You can tell yourself that once those 5 minutes are up, you can stop work. But, in all likelihood, you would have got some momentum going, so you’ll continue. Conclusion The keys to getting motivated to study are organising your time and work, and knowing how to use your mind effectively. We also advise you to turn to Allah Ta’ala by praying Salatul hajah, Duaas, and Zikr. Read the following Duaas as much as possible for motivation and steadfastness: يَا مُقَلِّبَ الْقُلُوبِ ثَبِّتْ قَلْبِي عَلَى دِينِكَ(سنن الترمذي: 5/ 538) [ii] Translation: O Changer of the hearts, make my heart firm upon Your religion. يَا مُصَرِّفَ الْقُلُوبِ، ثَبِّتْ قَلْبِي عَلَى طَاعَتِكَ(مسند أحمد :15/ 245) [iii] Translation: O Changer of the hearts, make my heart firm upon Your religion. رَبَّنَا لَا تُزِغْ قُلُوبَنَا بَعْدَ إِذْ هَدَيْتَنَا وَهَبْ لَنَا مِن لَّدُنكَ رَحْمَةً ۚ إِنَّكَ أَنتَ الْوَهَّابُ - 3:8 Translation: [Who say], "Our Lord, let not our hearts deviate after You have guided us and grant us from Yourself mercy. Indeed, You are the Bestower. (Surah aal-Imran: 8) And Allah Ta’āla Knows Best Mahmood Baig Student Darul Iftaa Jeddah, KSA Checked and Approved by, Mufti Ebrahim Desai. Source
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  37. What do you do all day?? A man came home from work and found his three children outside, still in their pyjamas, playing in the mud, with empty food boxes and 20 wrappers strewn all around the front yard. The door of his wife's car was open, and so too the front door to the house and there was no sign of the dog. Proceeding into the entry, he found an even bigger mess. A lamp had been knocked over, and the throw rug was wadded against one wall. In the front room the TV was loudly blaring a cartoon channel, and the family room was strewn with toys and various items of clothing. In the kitchen, dishes filled the sink, breakfast food was spilled on the counter, the fridge door was open wide, dog food was spilled on the floor a broken glass lay under the table, and a small pile of sand was spread by the back door. He quickly headed up the stairs, stepping over toys and more piles of clothes, looking for his wife.. He was worried she might be ill, or that something serious had happened. He was met with a small trickle of water as it made its way out the bathroom door. As he peered inside he found wet towels, scummy soap and more toys strewn over the floor. Miles of toilet paper lay in a heap and toothpaste had been smeared over the mirror and walls. As he rushed to the bedroom, he found his wife still curled up in the bed in her pyjamas, reading a novel. She looked up at him, smiled, and asked how his day went.. He looked at her bewildered and asked, 'What happened here today?' She again smiled and answered, 'You know every day when you come home from work and you ask me what in the world I do all day?' 'Yes,' was his incredulous reply. She answered, 'Well, today I didn't do it.'
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  38. Islam's unique growth Question What is the meaning of this Hadith: 'Islam began as something strange and will revert to being strange as it began.' Answer This is a Hadith from Sahih Muslim. The Arabic word used in this Hadith: Ghariban can be translated and interpreted in a few ways. 1. The common translation is as you have cited it: strange. This means, that Islam started as something strange; something that people considered as odd. It was unpopular in the society of Makkah. After this Allah Ta'ala spread the winds of guidance and Islam spread far and wide. Thereafter, being a Muslim was not odd anymore. The second part of the Hadith would mean: There would come a time when it will return to this state, i.e, a state of being odd. Those who practice on the ideal Islam will be considered strange and odd. (Al-Mufhim, Hadith: 114, Sharhun Nawawi 'ala Sahih Muslim, Hadith: 370 and Faydul Qadir, Hadith: 1951) 2. After providing the above explanation, 'Allamah Qurtubi (rahimahullah) states: [Since the word Gharib could also mean: a stranger/ traveller] 'It could also be referring to the Muhajirun (early migrators). The Muhajirun were forced to leave their homeland [of Makkah] to protect their religion. [Thus they were travellers who were strangers at first in Madinah]. In this case, the last part of the Hadith would mean that a time will come wherein there would be much trouble on the Muslims once again. This will force them to also leave their homelands once again to preserve their religion as the [earlier] Muhajirun had done.' (Al-Mufhim, Hadith: 114. Also see Sharhun Nawawi 'ala Sahih Muslim, Hadith: 370) 3. Another explanation given by Shaykh 'Abdul Fattah Abu Ghuddah (rahimahullah) is as follows: [One meaning of the word Ghariban is: unique] In the beginning days, Islam managed to spread in a unique way, i.e, despite all opposition, Allah Ta'ala caused it to prevail. The second part of the Hadith would mean: Islam in the latter eras, will also return to its glory in a strange way; in a way that will be unique and unfathomable. Insha Allah. I heard this from the senior 'Alim of India, Moulana Ibrahim Devla (hafizahullah) who heard this directly from Shaykh 'Abdul Fattah (rahimahullah) during one of his visits to India. In instances like this, there is no harm in understanding the Hadith to be referring all of the above meanings, it their own right. This is common in non legislative texts of Shari'ah. (refer: Muqaddimahtut Tafsir of Ibn Taymiyah (rahimahullah), pg. 4) And Allah Ta'ala Knows best, Answered by: Moulana Muhammad Abasoomar hadithanswers.com
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  39. Part Nineteen Hazrat Sa‘eed bin Musayyib (rahimahullah) narrates: A certain person was once speaking ill of Hazrat ‘Ali (radhiyallahu ‘anhu), Hazrat Talhah (radhiyallahu ‘anhu) and Hazrat Zubair (radhiyallahu ‘anhu). Seeing that this person was speaking ill of the Sahaabah (radhiyallahu ‘anhum), Hazrat Sa’d (radhiyallahu ‘anhu) immediately tried to stop him saying, “Do not speak ill of my brothers!” However, the person refused to desist. Hazrat Sa’d (radhiyallahu ‘anhu) thus stood, performed two rakaats of salaah, and made du‘aa against this person who was speaking ill of the Sahaabah (radhiyallahu ‘anhum). Shortly thereafter, a camel arrived, pushing its way through the people. The camel seized this person and trapped him between its chest and the ground, crushing him to death. Hazrat Sa‘eed (rahimahullah) concludes saying, “I then saw the people walking behind Hazrat Sa’d (radhiyallahu ‘anhu) saying, ‘Congratulations, O Abu Ishaaq! Your du‘aa was accepted (in defense of the Sahaabah)!’” (Siyar min A’laam min Nubalaa 3/73) Source: Whatisislam.co.za
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  40. Psychological Tsunami By: Haleh Banani, MA Clinical Psychology Domestic violence affects the psychological and emotional well being of a woman the way a tsunami brings colossal destruction and unparalleled devastation to a metropolitan city. The unpredictability and dangerous nature of men who abuse their wives creates terror, anxiety and depression in women, the way a storm indiscriminately destroys without warning; leaving inhabitants in a state of shock and constant fear. The deep, emotional scars last much longer than the superficial bruises and broken bones that usually demand our attention and provoke our sympathy. The emotional debris will take years to completely be cleared causing emotional bankruptcy and vulnerability which can lead to suicide. The ferocious waves of violence cause a series of long lasting, psychological damages: Depression Domestic violence floods women with feelings of sadness, hopelessness and despair which generally lead to depression. 60% of battered women reported having depression which is the most common symptom of domestic violence.3 Depression is a mood disorder in which feelings of sadness, loss, anger, or frustration interfere with everyday life for weeks or longer. Sadness affects every aspect of life: thoughts, feelings, sleeping, eating, physical health, relationships and the ability to function at work. When victims experience interpersonal violence from a spouse or family member, they are at high risk for mental and emotional illnesses. There is a strong feeling of abandonment, betrayal and instability when they are abused by someone who should be protecting and nurturing them. Although it is natural to feel sad when faced with difficult tests, as a believer it is critical to understand that there is wisdom in everything that happens. Understanding and accepting divine destiny does not mean tolerating abuse by any means. It simply means that life is filled with tests and that trust needs to be placed in Allah while searching for the right solutions. It was narrated by Suhayb that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “How amazing is the condition of the believer, for all his affairs are good. If something good happens to him, he gives thanks for it and he is rewarded; if something bad happens to him, he bears it with patience, and he is also awarded.” Narrated by Muslim (2999). Do not despair of solace from Allah. No one despairs of solace from Allah except for people who do not believe. (Surah Yusuf 87) Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) After the devastation of domestic violence, most women experience the aftershock of abuse: Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). PTSD is a type of anxiety disorder which can occur after you've seen or experienced a traumatic event that involved the threat of injury or death. It is very common for victims of domestic violence to continue to fear their spouse even if they have separated. PTSD is characterized by symptoms such as flashbacks, intrusive imagery, nightmares, anxiety, emotional numbing, insomnia, hyper-vigilance and avoidance of traumatic triggers. There are many factors that affect the intensity of PTSD: severity of the violence, the duration of exposure, early-age onset and the victim's cognitive assessment of the violence (perceived degree of threat, predictability and control-ability). The way to cope with any form of anxiety is turning to Allah and trusting His plan while striving hard to overcome the fear. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “No exhaustion, pain, anxiety, grief, harm or distress befalls a Muslim, not even a thorn that pricks him, but Allah will expiate some of his sins with them.” Narrated by al-Bukhari (5318) and Muslim (2573). Anxiety Fear and anxiety consume a victim of domestic violence the way a tidal wave engulfs a city. The fear lingers in a woman's psyche long after the abuse has taken place. This anxiety can prevent her from concentrating, falling asleep and performing at home or work. Paranoia and inability to trust others are the most frequent traits of the victims of domestic violence. 25 million Americans suffer from anxiety disorders which are the most common of emotional disorders. Some of the symptoms may include: Overwhelming feelings of panic and fear Uncontrollable obsessive thoughts Painful, intrusive memories Recurring nightmares Physical symptoms such as feeling sick to your stomach, “butterflies” in your stomach, heart pounding, startling easily and muscle tension The most beloved people, the prophets, were tested the most. It is essential to keep the stories of the prophets in mind and recall that instead of feeling anxious when faced with threat, oppression and harm, they put their trust in Allah. وَلَنَبْلُوَنَّكُم بِشَيْءٍ مِّنَ الْخَوْفِ وَالْجُوعِ وَنَقْصٍ مِّنَ الْأَمْوَالِ وَالْأَنفُسِ وَالثَّمَرَاتِ ۗ وَبَشِّرِ الصَّابِرِينَ We will test you with a certain amount of fear and hunger and loss of wealth and life and fruits. But give good news to the steadfast (Surat al-Baqara, 155) الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا وَتَطْمَئِنُّ قُلُوبُهُم بِذِكْرِ اللَّهِ ۗ أَلَا بِذِكْرِ اللَّهِ تَطْمَئِنُّ الْقُلُوبُ “Those who believe, and whose hearts find satisfaction in the remembrance of Allah: Without a doubt in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find satisfaction. (Al-Raad 28) Low Self-Esteem Verbal and emotional abuse are like earthquakes that brutally shake the foundation of a woman's self-esteem. They shatter her self- confidence, tear down her sense of security and destroy her self-respect . Each degrading remark, criticism and profanity is like a bulldozer that vehemently annihilates her sense of self-worth. The deep, emotional and psychological scars that are burned into her heart from the cursing, name-calling and humiliation will disable her from achieving her potentials, nurturing her children and attaining peace. She becomes so crippled emotionally that it is next to impossible to leave. Suicidal Like the victims of natural disasters that discover they have nothing left to live for, victims of domestic violence feel so overwhelmed with grief and hopelessness that many attempt suicide. The feeling of helplessness and hopelessness that many victims fall prey to has a profoundly undermining effect on their mental and emotional well being.4 Many times these women simply give up on life and they experience learned helplessness where they lose the will to live. Here are some of the signs of suicide contemplation: Talking about killing or harming one's self Expressing strong feelings of hopelessness or being trapped An unusual preoccupation with death or dying Acting recklessly, as if they have a death wish (e.g. speeding through red lights) Calling or visiting people to say goodbye Getting affairs in order (giving away prized possessions, tying up loose ends) Saying things like “Everyone would be better off without me” or “I want out.” If you think a friend or family member is considering suicide, express your concern and seek professional help immediately. Talking openly about suicidal thoughts and feelings can save a life.6 See Suicide Prevention: Signs of Suicide and How to Help a Suicidal Person. The problems and difficulties that people endure are known and for a temporary period of time. Compare that to being faced with the unknown punishment in the hereafter for committing suicide for all eternity. يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا لَا تَأْكُلُوا أَمْوَالَكُم بَيْنَكُم بِالْبَاطِلِ إِلَّا أَن تَكُونَ تِجَارَةً عَن تَرَاضٍ مِّنكُمْ ۚ وَلَا تَقْتُلُوا أَنفُسَكُمْ ۚ إِنَّ اللَّهَ كَانَ بِكُمْ رَحِيمًا O you who have believed, do not consume one another's wealth unjustly but only [in lawful] business by mutual consent. And do not kill yourselves [or one another]. Indeed, Allah is to you ever Merciful. 4:29 After a psychological tsunami that ruthlessly destroys feelings of self-worth and security, there needs to be massive action taken to recover from the lasting damages. The first step is to clean up the emotional debris and the shattered feelings. Time and money needs to be invested to reestablish self-worth. If the amount of damage is overwhelming, seek the support and guidance of professionals to overcome the devastation. Next, focused effort needs to be put in rebuilding self-esteem. By not internalizing the negative, destructive comments of others and reconfirming all positive traits, self-respect and dignity will be rebuilt. Trust in the self and in others will be essential in creating a strong foundation for developing lasting relationships. Perhaps the most important aspect of recovery is to gain hope in the future. Once the fire of hope is ignited it will shine so brightly and provide the necessary motivation to overcome all obstacles and to help others facing the same challenges. If you or someone you know is a VICTIM of abuse know: You are NOT ALONE There are avenues for HELP Ensure the SAFETY of you and your children You are a VALUABLE person who is worthy of love It is NEVER ACCEPTABLE to be physically, verbally or emotionally abused Narrated Abu Ma'bad, that the Prophet said, “… and be afraid of the supplication of an oppressed person because there is no screen between his invocation and Allah.” Sahih Bukhari: Volume 2, Book 24, Number 573. If you or someone you know is the ABUSER: Seek professional help to MANAGE YOUR ANGER It is not too late to CHANGE YOURSELF and CHANGE YOUR LIFE Find an OUTLET (sport or other activity) to release stress and frustration Seek the SUPPORT of family and friends REAL MEN DON'T ABUSE! “Help your brother, whether he is an oppressor or he is oppressed.” The Prophet was asked: “It is right to help him if he is oppressed, but how should we help him if he is an oppressor?” He replied: “By preventing him from oppressing others.” Sahih Bukhari, Volume 3, Hadith 624 In Islam, Prophet Muhammad (peace and prayer upon him) taught us to live with impeccable character and to treat our spouse with kindness, compassion and understanding. He said that the best man is he who is best to his wife. We should all aspire to live by his exceptional example. References: http://www.womensweb.ca/violence/dv/pregnancy.php Types of Trauma: Domestic Violence – San Francisco depression | Examiner.com http://www.examiner.com/depression-in-san-francisco/types-of-trauma-domestic-violence#ixzz1ZstUJQB9 http://www.aardvarc.org/dv/effects.shtml Types of Trauma: Domestic Violence – San Francisco depression | Examiner.com http://www.examiner.com/depression-in-san-francisco/types-of-trauma-domestic-violence#ixzz1Zsu4uQTE http://www.examiner.com/depression-in-san-francisco/types-of-trauma-domestic-violence Suicide Prevention: Signs of Suicide and How to Help a Suicidal Person. Source
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  41. Tadbeer, Tafweez and faith in Taqdeer is the solution to depression: For better understanding, the following excerpts are taken from "The Cure for Depression Tafweez" by Shaykh Yunus Patel (Raheemahullah) Tadbeer: Making Effort Tafweez: Antidote to Depression Taqdeer:Predestination Great wisdom lies in the decisions of Allah. Something much worse could have happened....
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  42. The Benefits Of Sincere Repentance Imaam Ibn Qayyim rahmatullahi alaihe mentions certain benefits: 1. Repentance is the most noble and beloved form of obedience in the eyes of Allah Ta'ala. He loves those who repent and it is because of His love for His creation that He tests them with sins so that He may shower His blessings and favours upon them after they repent. 2. Repentance has a status that no other form of worship has. This is why Allah is extremely happy when a servant repents just as a traveller is happy when he finds his lost mount in the desert. This pleasure (of Allah) has a great impact on the heart of the one repenting. Hence, the repenting person reaches the status of being amongst the beloved through his repentance. 3. Repentance brings about humbleness and a sense of helplessness that is not easily acquired through other forms of worship. 4. Allah’s statement, "Except those who repent, have faith and good deeds, those Allah will charge their sins for good deeds. Certainly Allah is most forgiving and merciful." (Qur'aan 25:70) This is a greatest glad tiding for those who repent and combine their repentance with faith and good deeds. Repentance breeds good deeds, whilst sinning (without repentance) can cause deprivation of obedience altogether. It has been said that committing sins regularly will darken and harden the heart. It may even lead a person to reject Allah completely (Allah forbid) or lead him to commit a bigger sin. There is no recourse for a sinner except to ask Allah for forgiveness and to feel great regret for his actions. Repentance is to repent from the heart, to train the heart into obedience and to make a firm resolution never to commit the sin again. The repenting person should remember three facts: 1. The grave consequence of sins. 2. The painful punishment for sins and 3. The helplessness of the servant with regards to these two things. What Should I Do After I Have Sinned? Someone may ask, "How do I go about repenting from a sin?" Do I just say, "I repent." and that’s it, or is there anything to be done after that? Two things should immediately be done. The first is an act of the heart, to sincerely regret the sins of the past. The second is an act of the body, to bring up some good deeds, starting two cycles of prayer of repentance. The following is a hadith in support: Hazrat Abu Bakr radiyallahu anhu, says, "I heard the Holy Prophet sallallahu alaihe wasallam say, ‘There isn’t a man who, when he commits a sin, rises, makes ablution, and offers two rak’ats of prayers, but Allah forgives his sins.’ Then the Holy Prophet sallallahu alaihe wasallam recited the verse, ‘Those (are the true believers) who, when they commit an evil deed, or wrong their souls, remember Allah, and seek forgiveness for their sins - and who but Allah forgives sins? They do not insist upon the sins they have committed, and they know (that Allah is forgiving)." (Qur'aan 3:135) There are other reports that describe more in detail how these two cycles of prayers of repentance must be offered. For instance: 1. There isn’t a man who makes ablution (and does it well, but sins fall off the limbs of the body with the last drop of water. And doing the ablution well includes saying the Bismillah in the beginning, and some other prayer words after it such as: "I bear witness that there is no deity save Allah , the one, and I also bear witness that Muhammad is his slave and messenger." "O’ Allah! make me of the repenting, and make me of the purified." "O’ Allah! with praises to you I bear witness that there is no deity but you. I seek your forgiveness and turn to you in repentance." 2. Offer two rak’ats of prayer. Performs them in full presence of mind and heart. Commits no mistake within the prayers. Does not speak to himself within them. Recites the prayer-words in them well and in humility. Then seeks Allah’s forgiveness. The Result 1. His past sins are forgiven. 2. He is assured paradise. Then, as these things have been achieved he should now increase his good deeds to the extent possible. Don’t you see what Umar radiyallahu anhu did when he had committed the mistake of arguing with the Prophet sallallahu alaihe wasallam, at Hudaibiyya. He used to offer special acts of worship, (like fasting, almsgiving, etc.), to atone for that sin. The following hadith should also be considered. "He who commits some evil deeds, and then turns to doing good deeds is like the man who had on him a tight-fitting coat of mail made of steel, so tight, it would almost choke him. Then he did a good deed and it opened up a little more until it became so loose as to fall off to the ground." So you see how good deeds release a man from the clutches of past sins and liberate him from the tension that they cause. Let me at this point offer you the abridged version of an incident, which is laden with lessons. Ibn Mas’ood radiyallahu anhu says a man came to the Prophet sallallahu alaihe wasallam and said, "O Apostle of Allah. I found a woman in a garden and did everything to her except having intercourse: I kissed her and hugged her and so on, but I didn’t go beyond this. So judge me as you wish." The Prophet of Allah sallallahu alaihe wasallam said nothing in reply and the man went away. Upon this Umar radiyallahu anhu remarked, "Allah would have kept it a secret if he had kept it a secret." The Prophet sallallahu alaihe wasallam in the direction the man had gone and said, "Call him back." When they called him back, he recited to him the following verse, "Establish Prayers at the two ends of the day and early part of the night. Indeed good deeds wipe out evil ones. And this (Qur’aan) is a reminder unto the mindful." (Qur'aan 11:114) Upon hearing this, Mu’adh radiyallahu anhu (and according to another report Umar radiyallahu anhu) said, "O’ Apostle of Allah sallallahu alaihe wasallam, is this for him alone or is it (this ruling) common?" he replied: "No, it is common." More on inter-islam
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  43. It was said to Hasan Al-Basri: "Shouldn't one of us feel too shy to ask his Lord to forgive his sin, then do it again, then ask for forgiveness, then do it again?" He said: "The Shaytaan wishes that you would have this attitude, so do not tire of asking for forgiveness". ["Jaami al-Ulum wal-Hukam", 1/165].
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  44. True story told by Shaykh “Abdul Mohsen al Ahmad”, it happened in... Abha (the capital of Asir province in Saudi Arabia) “After performing Salãt Al Maghrib, she put her make-up, wore her beautiful white dress preparing herself for her wedding party, Then she heard the Azan of ‘Ishã and she realized that she broke her Wudhu she told her mother: “Mother, I have to go to make wudhu and pray ‘Ishã” Her mother was shocked : “Are you crazy?!! Guests are waiting for you, to see you! what about your make -up? It will be all washed away by water!!” then she added: ”I am your mother and I order you not to perform Salãh now! wallahi if you make wudhu now, I will be angry at you” Her daughter replied: ”Wallahi I won’t go out from here till I perform my Salãh! Mother you must know that “There is no obedience to any creature in disobedience to the Creator.”!! Her mother said: “What would our guests say about you when you’ll show up in your wedding party without make-up?! You won’t be beautiful in their eyes! They will make fun of you!” The daughter asked with a smile: “Are you worried because I won’t be beautiful in the eyes of creations? What about my Creator?! I am worried because, if I miss my Salãh, I won’t be beautiful in His eyes” She started to make wudhu, and all her make-up was washed away, but she didn’t care. Then she began her Salãh and at the moment she bowed down to make sujud, she didn’t realize that it will be her last one! Yes! She died while in sujud! What a great ending for a Muslimah who insisted on obeying her Lord! Many people who heard her story were so touched!! She put Him and His obedience first in her priorities, so He granted her the best ending that any Muslim would have! She wanted to be closer to Him, so He took her soul in the place where Muslim are the closest to Him! Subhana Allah! She didn’t care if she would be beautiful in the eyes of creatures so she was beautiful in the eyes of Her Creator! O Muslim sister, imagine if you are in her place! What will you do? What will you choose : pleasing creations or your Creator? O dear sister! Do you guarantee that you will live for the next minutes? Hours? Months?!! No one knows when their hour will come? Or when will they meet angels of death? So are you ready for that moment? O non hijab sister! What do you choose: Pleasing yourself by not wearing Hijãb or pleasing your Lord by wearing hijãb? Are you ready to meet Him without Hijãb? May Allah guide us all to what pleases Him and grant everyone who is reading these lines good ending. Source: ATTARBIYAH (Islamic Tarbiyah Academy)
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