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Plight of Palestinian woman




@btselem A woman arrived at a checkpoint in labor. The checkpoint was only partially functioning, as part of the arbitrary collective punishment Israel is imposing on Palestinians. “On Wednesday evening, I was at the northern entrance to the town of ‘Anata. There was a big traffic jam on both sides,” said Ma’ruf Ibrahim Muhammad a-Rifa’i to B’Tselem. “We were waiting in the traffic jam when a car drove up with a woman inside. The driver was honking the horn and had all four lights on to indicate an emergency. He begged people to let him pass. I saw the woman get out of the car. She was groaning in pain and shouting for help. It was obvious she was about to give birth. While she was pleading to be let through and we tried to make way for them, I saw her pants get wet, which meant her waters broke. We picked her up and walked for about 10 minutes, with her husband holding her body and us holding her legs. She screamed and cried the whole way. When we got to the junction and were about 10 meters from the Border Police officers, they saw us carrying her and did nothing. We walked along a dirt path around the checkpoint, where they allowed people to cross on foot, and put her into the car of a resident there. He turned around and drove quickly out of ‘Anata. I was later told he met a Red Crescent ambulance and the woman gave birth on the way. I don’t know how she’s doing.”

Dawn (@allegedlydawntjeshannon) • Instagram photos and videos

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23 November 2022

Israel demolished a primary school built in the Palestinian community of Khirbet a-Safai al-Foqa in Masafer Yatta, in the part of the South Hebron Hills the military declared Firing Zone 918. The forces removed the tables and chairs from the classrooms and confiscated them. The demolition was greenlighted by Supreme Court Justice Isaac Amit, who cancelled the temporary order he issued yesterday freezing the demolition.

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Solidarity with Palestine at the Worl Cup

Palestinians living in Qatar, as well as those visiting, are taking advantage of the world’s attention on the World Cup to make their flag prominent.

“The World Cup has given us a platform to make our voice heard,” Bader, a Palestinian based in Qatar, told Al Jazeera during a night of festivities in Lusail, home to Qatar’s biggest stadium, which will host the World Cup final.

"The World Cup has given us a platform to make our voice heard,” Bader, a Palestinian based in Qatar, told Al Jazeera during a night of festivities in Lusail, home to Qatar’s biggest stadium, which will host the World Cup final.

Most Palestinians were out to make their presence felt, not just with the flags, but with their attire as well.

Bader wore a T-shirt with a map of Palestine and “Free Palestine” emblazoned on it, and had a Palestinian keffiyeh (scarf) and flag wrapped around his neck.



“People from all over the world are here in Qatar and when they see us dressed like this they come up to us and ask where we are from, since Palestine is not participating in the World Cup,” said Bader.

“It gives us a chance to acquaint them with the situation in our homeland, show them our culture and narrate our history.

They know about Israel but not about Palestine. There was no Israel until it occupied Palestine.”




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Israeli journalists have been ignored  by Arab fans in Qatar this week. Videos have gone viral on social media

One video shows an Egyptian football fan smiling serenely as an Israeli broadcaster introduces him live on air. Then he leans into the microphone with a message: “Viva Palestine.”

Another clip from the streets of Doha this week shows a group of Lebanese men walking away from a live interview with a reporter they have just learned is Israeli. One shouts over his shoulder: “There is no Israel. It’s Palestine.”

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On the 23rd of November the IOF demolished newly built Isfey al-Fauqa school. It provided education to 22 students up to 5th grade (6-11 year olds).
The next nearest school is 4 kilometres away and also at risk of demolition.
Demolition commenced while students were still inside the building. Sound bombs were used on the children.
This is a normal day in Masafer Yatta. The people here are subject to meticulously planned ethnic cleansing. The occupation cuts power. The occupation cuts water pipes. The occupation cuts education and it cuts lives short.

The army not only destroyed their school but confiscated furniture including the students chairs.

Solidarity With Palestine (@palestinian.brigade) • Instagram photos and videos

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Israeli journalists lie at World Cup

The condemnation of the "#Israeli" occupation and its crimes at #Qatar World Cup 2022 has forced "Israeli" media reporters to face a harsh reality they were not expecting. Some of them have even pretended to be from a different country.

Media correspondent at @yedioth Raz Shechnik claimed to be Ecuadorian for a day, in an attempt to avoid being shunned by football fans upon trying to interview them.

"We feel hated, surrounded by hostility, and unwanted," Raz Shechnik, the media and music correspondent for Hebrew news outlet Yedioth Ahronoth, wrote in an op-ed published on Sunday, November 27.

"After a while, we decided to claim we were Ecuadorian when someone would ask us where we were from," Shechnik went on to admit, claiming the experience has definitely not been "fun."

He also alleged that his crew is "followed at all times by Palestinians, Iranians, Qataris, Moroccans, Jordanians, Syrians, Egyptians, and Lebanese – all giving us looks full of hate."

This is all happening, according to Shechnik, despite his explanation to fans that the "Israelis" "come in peace."
"They would truly like to see us wiped off the face of the earth, and any notion of Israel evokes their complete disgust," the reporter concluded.


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Israeli forces kill Palestinian teen in occupied West Bank raid
Jana Majdi Zakarneh, 16, was shot dead while standing on the roof of her home during an Israeli military raid on Jenin.

Zakarneh was standing on the roof of her home when she was shot dead, according to local media. The ministry said she was shot in the head.

The Associated Press later reported that the Israeli military had acknowledged that its troops fatally shot a teenage Palestinian girl during an operation in the occupied West Bank, saying she was unintentionally hit by fire aimed at gunmen in the area.

In a statement, the Israeli military said an initial inquiry found the girl “was hit by unintentional fire aimed at armed gunmen” on a nearby rooftop. “It appears the girl who was killed had been on the roof of one of the houses near the gunmen,” it said.

The statement added the forces opened fire after local militants hurled firebombs and opened fire at the soldiers.

The army said that its commanders “regret any harm to uninvolved civilians”, but said that it would press ahead with its operations.

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New Israeli government

Let’s be clear: Israel’s incoming extremist government should alarm everyone for its overt racism against Palestinians. But the continuation of Israel’s violent apartheid rule is nothing new—and neither is the fact that Palestinians deserve their basic rights and freedom.








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Israel’s Ben-Gvir enters Al-Aqsa: Why was it seen as provocative?

The far-right Israeli national security minister had been warned by Israel’s former PM that his move would spark violence.

Israel’s far-right national security minister Itamar Ben-Gvir entered the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound in occupied East Jerusalem in a move Palestinians called a “deliberate provocation”, ignoring warnings from Israeli politicians that his appearance at the holy site would inflame tensions.

Ben-Gvir said he would not “surrender to the threats of Hamas” after the Palestinian group warned that his entrance to the site on Tuesday would cross a “red line”.

The minister, widely regarded as a provocateur, has previously called for the displacement of Palestinians.

Let’s take a look at why his entrance to Al-Aqsa Mosque compound is so controversial:

What is the status of Al-Aqsa?
The Al-Aqsa Mosque compound (also known as al-Haram al-Sharif by Muslims and the Temple Mount by Jews) is a wide, walled plaza in the heart of the Old City in occupied East Jerusalem. It incorporates the Al-Aqsa Mosque and the Dome of the Rock.
It is considered holy by both Muslims and Jews and is a Palestinian national symbol.

One of the walls of the compound, the Western Wall – also referred to as the Wailing Wall or the Buraq Wall – is a holy site for Jewish prayer. Jews pray undisturbed on the side of the wall that is outside the compound.

Israel has occupied East Jerusalem since 1967. The occupation is illegal under international law.

The compound has been managed continuously by Muslims, under a waqf (religious endowment), for hundreds of years.
The Jordanian-funded waqf has continued to administer the site since 1967, while Israel has security control. Under a longstanding agreement, the status quo of the site only permits Muslim prayer, and visits from non-Muslims are only permitted at specific times.

Why is the site so sensitive for Palestinians?
As a site that carries religious and national significance, Palestinians are alert to any attempts to change the status quo of Al-Aqsa.

The increased number of ultranationalist Jews entering the compound, and the frequent storming of the site by Israeli security forces, including inside the prayer hall of Al-Aqsa Mosque, has increased Palestinian anger.

Confrontations between Israeli security forces and settler groups on one side and Palestinians on the other have occurred numerous times over the past two years, particularly following storming incidents in Al-Aqsa.

Palestinians see Al-Aqsa as one of the few national symbols that they retain some element of control over. They are, however, fearful of a slow encroachment by Jewish groups akin to what has happened at the Ibrahimi Mosque (Cave of the Patriarchs) in Hebron, where half of the mosque was turned into a synagogue after 1967, which has gradually increased in size.

Palestinians are also worried about far-right Israeli movements that seek to demolish the Islamic structures in the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound and build a Jewish temple in their place.

Do Jews pray at Al-Aqsa?
Traditionally, ultra-Orthodox Jews, including senior religious authorities, have considered it religiously impermissible to enter the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound, let alone pray in it. This is because they consider the site too holy for people to step on.

Ultranationalist Jews have increasingly attempted to pray in the compound, despite it being forbidden by Israeli authorities.
Last May, an Israeli court upheld the ban after it was contested by three Jewish youths who had received a restraining order after praying at the site.

However, Israeli security forces have often turned a blind eye to “silent” prayer by Jews being escorted by police at Al-Aqsa.

What does Ben-Gvir want?
Ben-Gvir is part of Israel’s “Religious Zionist” ideological movement, which emerged in an attempt to reconcile religious Jews and Zionism. Many religious Jews were suspicious of Zionism’s secular influences.

He is also part of a growing movement in Israel that has challenged the traditional Jewish restrictions on prayer at Al-Aqsa and instead wants to encourage it.

As a member of Israel’s far right, Ben-Gvir was seen by many Israeli politicians as too extreme to work with, but Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was forced to seek allies from the far right, including Ben-Gvir, when many in Israel’s political mainstream opposed him.

Ben-Gvir’s position in government, which includes control over the Israeli police, highlights the strength of the “Religious Zionist” movement, which wants to maintain and expand Israeli control over the occupied Palestinian territory.

Ben-Gvir has been convicted for racist incitement against Arabs and support for “terrorism”. He has also expressed support for Baruch Goldstein, an Israeli American who killed 29 Palestinians at the Ibrahimi Mosque in 1994.

What will the Palestinian reaction be?
Hamas spokesman Hazem Qassem told Al Jazeera that Ben-Gvir’s “storming” of Al-Aqsa was “a continuation of the Zionist occupation’s aggression against our sanctities and its war on their Arab identity”.

While general calls for a Palestinian response were made, no group has specifically called for attacks on Israeli targets yet.
Analysts believe that Hamas and Fatah are keen to avoid an armed confrontation with Israel, with Netanyahu in a similar position.

However, tensions in the occupied West Bank in particular could escalate, amid continued Israeli raids that made 2022 the deadliest year for Palestinians in the territory since 2006, and the growth of new armed Palestinian groups.

Israel’s opposition leader and former prime minister Yair Lapid had warned on Monday that Ben-Gvir’s planned entrance to the compound would lead to violence, and called it a “deliberate provocation that will put lives in danger”.


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