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Asking Forgiveness: A Great Honor.

Abu Hafsat

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As-Salaam alaikum, 

"And seek forgiveness of God. Indeed God is Forgiving and Merciful." (73:29)

"Surely, God loves those people who constantly repent to Him" (2:222)

Note that in this ayat, God did not say "God loves the 'Taa' ibeen' (those who repent), but He said, 'Tawwabeen', which means those who constantly... over and over repent to God. 

As humans, sometimes we tend to stray off the path for a while. What should we do when we erred? How do we ensure that our repentance is sincere, constant and successful? 

There are 3 main steps one must take in order to sincerely repent :-

(1) Deeply regret with a sincere heart for the sin we committed.

(2) Return to God for forgiveness. 

(3) Make a strong intention never to return to that same sin again. 

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