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We Are Impoverished!

Abu Hafsat

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As-Salaam alaikum,

   In ayat 15 of Surat Fatir of the Holy Qur'an, Allah Ta'ala says:--

             "O mankind, you are impoverished with regard to Allah and

                  Allah is Independently rich, the Praiseworthy."  (35:15)

On the meaning of the expression 'impoverished'  Sheikh Ibn al-Arabi al-Hatimi, may Allah be Merciful to him, said that "the truly impoverished one is the one in dire need of everything and nothing is in need of him. This person is considered by the realized ones to be the pure unadulterated servant.."

Sheikh Ibn'l-Hajj said regarding the meaning of the expression 'impoverished':  "He is the one who has placed this world's life behind him, and has embarked upon his Hereafter, being totally preoccupied with his Lord. He thus embarks upon the correction of his soul and cleansing it from everything other than Allah."

Sheikh Ibn Ajiba said: "As for the truly impoverished one, he is the one who is bereft of everything besides Allah.. the pre-requisites of the truly impoverished are four: (1) elevated spiritual enthusiasm (2) excellent service (3) having esteem for sanctity and (4) piercing spiritual resolve."

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