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Posts posted by ColonelHardstone

    1. Introduction
    2. Why did Iran attack Pakistan, now?
    3. Did Iran perceive Pakistan as a soft target?
    4. Why did Pakistan had to militarily retaliate? Was diplomatic dé·marche not an option?
    5. Are there any future repercussions of Iran vs Pakistan confrontation?
    6. Why are Terrorist attacks increasing and become more audacious?
    7. Why are disfranchisement Pakistani citizens supporting Terrorists?
    8. How does Pakistan reintegrated disfranchised citizens?
    9. Do the Governments of Iran & Afghanistan support Terrorism on Pakistani soil?
    10. Should Pakistan target inside Iran & Afghanistan? How does Pakistan stop Terrorism inside Pakistan?
    11. Resolving the Identity Crisis in Pakistan
    12. Pakistan needs heavy investment in Human Resource Development
    13. The biggest weapon against Pakistan...


  1. Countless Muslim women are donning Pink Hijabs and standing in line to watch the new Barbie movie. In this video, we discuss the origins and history of Barbie and why all people of Faith, Muslims particularly should protect the Eemaan of their families from this filth!

    The origins of Barbie which has been whitewashed today was well known in the 1960s and Children were not allowed to play with it. 



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