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Are Women allowed to Dye their Hair?


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Answered by Shaykh Ilyas Patel



Please give reasoning and evidence from ahadith and scholars. Are women allowed to dye their hair? If yes, is there any particular color recommended? If no, what is the reasoning behind it? I’ve heard that women are not supposed to color their hair anything other than the color of “black.” Why is that?



Yes, women are allowed to dye their hair and the recommended colour is with henna (a red plant dye).

(Fatawa Hindiyya V.6 pg 238)


The reason for prohibiting the use of black colour to dye ones hair is that one is deceiving ones age and appearance.


Shaykh Taqi Usmani mentions in his commentary on Sahih Muslim,Takmila Fath al-Mulhim, regarding women dying their hair:


As for women dying their hair in order to beautify themselves for their husband, Qatada (May Allah be pleased with him) gives permissibility as mentioned in Musannaf Abdur Razzaq11:155. Also Ishaq gives permissibility as narrated by Ibn Qudama in his Mugni (1:76). Shaykh Taqi ends with saying, ‘I have not seen any other statement beside these two.

Allah Knows Best

(Takmila Fath Mulhim 4:150)


Dyeing the hair with henna would be more recommended as was the practice, but other colours are also permissible.


The Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) advised the father of Abu Bakr (May Allah be pleased with them both) to change and dye his hair. He said, ‘Change and dye your hair and refrain from using black’

(Abu Dawud 2.137)


This hadith is with regard to advising a man in using a dye. As for women it gives permissibility as she is more urged upon and advised to beautify herself for their husbands.


Source: http://www.SunniPath.com

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Are Ladies permitted the use of Henna mixed with Black Dye for prermature gray Hair?



It is permissible if used to beautify one’s self for her spouse only. (Fataawa Mahmoodiyyah Vol 5 Pg 123 Mazhari)


Mufti Bilaal Cassim



(Above is part of a multi-question Fatwa)

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Is it permissible to use hair dyes, and which ones?

In the name of Allah, Most Compassionate, Most Merciful,

It is permissible, rather recommended (mandub) to dye the hair of the head (and beard for men) provided the ingredients used in the hair dye are Halal.

Sayyiduna Abu Huraira (Allah be pleased with him) narrates that the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him & give him peace) said: “Change the old age (white/grey hair), and do not imitate the Jews.” (Sunan Tirmidhi, no.1752 & Sunan Nasa’i)


The Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him & give him peace) also stated:

“The best dye to change your old age is Henna (a red plant dye) and Katm (type of grass).” (Sunan Tirmidhi, no. 1753 & others)


There is a difference of opinion among the scholars on whether the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him & give him peace) himself dyed his hair. However Sayyiduna Abu Bakr and Sayyiduna Umar ibn al-Khattab (Allah be pleased with them both) did dye the hair of their head and beard, thus it will be classed as recommended (mandub), if not Sunnah.


The great Hanafi Imam, Ala’ al-Din al-Haskafi states in his Durr al-Mukhtar:

“It is recommended for men to dye their hair (of the head) and beard, even outside war.” (Durr al-Mukhtar, 5: 271)


It is stated in the famous Hanafi Fiqh reference book al-Fatawa al-Hindiyyah:

“The scholars have all unanimously agreed that it is a Sunnah for men to dye the hair of their head and beard with red colour. It is also considered a sign of Muslims.” (5/329)


Pure black dye

The foregoing explanation was regarding using dye other than the colour of black. The ruling on using pure black hair dye will defer according to the reason one uses it for.


1) If a warrior (mujahid) used black hair dye in order to put awe and fear into the hearts and minds of the enemy, then all the scholars agree that it is permissible. (al-Fatawa al-Hindiyya, 5/329)


2) To use pure black dye in order to deceive somebody, e.g. a prospective fiancé or in order to get a job, etc, then this (according to all) is impermissible.

Sayyiduna Abd Allah ibn Mas’ud (Allah be pleased with him) narrates that the Messenger of Allah said: “Whosoever deceives us is not from us.” (Sahih ibn Hibban)


3) The third situation is when pure black dye is used for adornment, meaning the husband or the wife uses it in order to please the spouse. The scholars have differed with regards to the ruling in such a case.


Many Hanafi jurists (fuqaha) have said that to use pure black dye is not permissible, even for the purpose of adornment.


The Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him & give him peace) said:

“There will be people who will come later (in my Ummah) and apply black dye. They will not even smell the fragrance of paradise.” (Sunan Abu Dawud, 2/578)

In another Hadith the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him & give him peace) said: “…Abstain from using black dye.” (Sahih Muslim)


However other scholars including the great Hanafi jurist and student of Imam Abu Hanifa, Imam Abu Yusuf (Allah have mercy on him) permitted the using of black dye for adornment, especially the wife, to adorn herself for her husband. It has also been narrated from some of the companions such as: Sayyiduna Uthman, Sayyiduna Hasan, Sayyiduna Husain & others (Allah be pleased with them all) that they used black colour dye.


Imam Abu Yusuf also permitted it for men in order to adorn themselves for their wives. His words are:

“As I desire my wife to adorn herself for me, she also desires that I adorn myself for her.” (Radd al-Muhtar)


Imam al-Haskafi states in Durr al-Mukhtar:

“It is recommended for men to dye their hair and beard, even outside war according to the sounder opinion. The sounder opinion is that the Prophet (blessings and peace be upon him) did not do it. It is disliked with black, though some said it is not.” (See: Radd al-Muhtar ala al-Durr al-Mukhtar)


My respected teacher, Shaykh Mufti Taqi Usmani (may Allah preserve him) says:

“The final word regarding the using of black dye is that, it will not be considered unlawful (haram), although disliked (makruh). The prohibition in the Hadith will be explained as in when one uses it to deceive others.” (Taqrir Tirmidhi, 2/354)


It should also be remembered here that the above discussion is when the dye is pure black. However, if it is not pure, rather it is dark or black-inclined; it would be permissible to apply it.

Also, the dying of hair will not affect the validity of ablutions (wudu) or obligatory bath (ghusl), because the coating is not considered a perceptible barrier.

In conclusion, it is recommended to dye the hair (for men and women) with other than pure black colour. To use pure black dye in order to deceive others is unlawful (haram), and totally permissible for a Mujahid engaged in Jihad. As far as using it for adornment purposes,
it will be disliked.


And Allah Knows Best

[Mufti] Muhammad ibn Adam
Darul Iftaa
Leicester , UK

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Hair Dye


السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته


Is it permissable to dye ones hair with hair dye or mendhi?

If so, is it permissable to dye the hair black?

شكراً و احسن الجزء




wa'alaykum as Salam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu,


It is permissible and in fact encouraged the use of Henna (Mehndhi), which is, in essence, a reddish colouring for the hair. In fact, Shari’ah has also permitted the use of other colours such as yellow, brown, etc. However, it should also be understood that this permissibility of applying Henna and other dyes pertains to graying and whitening hairs. A young man or woman whose hair has not started graying has no need to colour his or her hair with Henna or any other dyes, and should thus abstain from it. Thus, the trend seen nowadays of young men and women dying their natural hair with “loud” and absurd colours such as purple, bright orange, etc. is a fashionable trend set by the Kuffaar and, as Muslims, we have been prohibited from imitating the Kuffaar.


However, it is not permissible to use black dye. Very severe warnings are narrated in the Ahadeeth for those who use black dye. Imaam Abu Dawood (may Allah have mercy on him) narrates on the authority of Abdullah bin Abbaas (may Allah be pleased with him) that Rasulullah (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said:


قال الإمام أبو داود حدثنا أبو توبة حدثنا عبيد الله عن عبد الكريم الجزرى عن سعيد بن جبير عن ابن عباس قال قال رسول الله -صلى الله عليه وسلم- « يكون قوم يخضبون فى آخر الزمان بالسواد كحواصل الحمام لا يريحون رائحة الجنة (أخرجه أبو داود في سننه (4/ 139)


“At the end of time there will be people who will use this black dye like the crops of doves, they will not experience the fragrance of Jannah. (Sunan Abu Dawood vol.4 pg.139)


This Hadeeth clearly illustrates the prohibition of the usage of black dye. It’s usage is prohibited whether the white hair grows due to old age or any type of illness or abnormality. Therefore, Mufti Abdur Raheem Lajpuri (may Allah be pleased with him) states in an answer to the very same question you have posed that it is a great sin to dye the hair black. (Fataawa Rahimiyah vol.6 pg.290)


Scholars have, however, permitted the usage of black dye during times of Jihaad. An aged Muslim warrior is thus permitted to dye his hair black when going to the battlefront, so that he appears young and bold and is thereby able to instill awe and fear into the hearts of the enemies (Fataawa Mahmudiyya Vol. 5, Pg. 122)..


It is also permissible for one to dye his/hair black to beautify himself/herself for ones marriage partner if he/she is young, and the hair has turned grey due to some sickness, etc. (Jawahir al-Fiqh vol. 2, Pg. 421)


ويكره بالسواد، وقيل لا مجمع الفتاوى والكل من منح المصنف (الدر المختار (6/ 422)


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  • 1 year later...

Hair dye



1. What is the Shar'ee ruling regarding hair dye? Is it permissible to use?

2. What colours of dye should one use and which colours should one avoid using?

3. Is there any difference in the ruling between men and women?

4. Is it permissible to use hair dye which is non-porous and prevents the water from touching the hair? If one used it, will one's wudhu and ghusal be complete?

5. I heard that applying mehndi is a Sunnah. Can a person dye his beard or hair with mehndi and will one receive the reward of the Sunnah if one applies it?



1. If the hair has turned grey or white then it is permissible to dye the hair, however one should avoid using black dye. It appears in the Hadith that the father of Hazrat Abu Bakr (Radiallahu Anhu), Abu Quhaafah (Radiallahu Anhu) was brought before Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) on the occasion of the conquest of Makkah Mukarramah. Nabi (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) had seen his head and beard completely white. Nabi (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) advised him to dye his hair as well as his beard, however Nabi (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) instructed him to abstain from using black dye.

2. Avoid using black dye and refrain from imitating the styles and colours of the kuffaar.

3. The ruling that applies to men also applies to women.

4. If it is porous, it will be permissible. Refrain from using non-porous dye as it will prevent the water from reaching the hair thereby causing the wudhu and ghusal to be incomplete.

5. The using of mehndi is Sunnah as proven from Saheeh Ahaadith. Out of love for Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) and considering it to be Sunnah, if one applies mehndi one will definitely be rewarded. One will only apply the mehndi to the white hair or grey hair. Black hair does not need to be dyed.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.

عن جابر بن عبد الله قال أتى بأبى قحافة يوم فتح مكة ورأسه ولحيته كالثغامة بياضا فقال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم غيروا هذا بشىء واجتنبوا السواد (سنن أبي داود رقم 4206)

يستحب للرجل خضاب شعره ولحيته ولو في غير حرب في الأصح والأصح أنه عليه الصلاة والسلام لم يفعله ويكره بالسواد وقيل لا مجمع الفتاوى والكل من منح المصنف

قال الشامي : قوله ( خضاب شعره ولحيته ) لا يديه ورجليه فإنه مكروه للتشبه بالنساء قوله ( والأصح أنه عليه الصلاة والسلام لم يفعله ) لأنه لم يحتج إليه لأنه توفي ولم يبلغ شيبه عشرين شعرة في رأسه ولحيته بل كان سبع عشرة كما في البخاري وغيره وورد أن أبا بكر رضي الله عنه خضب بالحناء والكتم مدني قوله ( ويكره بالسواد ) أي لغير الحرب قال في الذخيرة أما الخضاب بالسواد للغزو ليكون أهيب في عين العدو فهو محمود بالاتفاق وإن ليزين نفسه للنساء فمكروه وعليه عامة المشايخ وبعضهم جوزه بلا كراهة روي عن أبي يوسف أنه قال كما يعجبني أن تتزين لي يعجبها أن أتزين لها (رد المحتار 6/ 422)

( اختضب لأجل التزين للنساء والجواري جاز ) في الأصح ويكره بالسواد وقيل لا ومر في الحظر

قال الشامي : قوله ( جاز في الأصح ) وهو مروي عن أبي يوسف فقد قال يعجبني أن تتزين لي امرأتي كما يعجبها أن أتزين لها والأصح أنه لا بأس به في الحرب وغيره واختلفت الرواية في أن النبي فعله في عمره والأصح لا وفصل في المحيط بين الخضاب بالسواد قال عامة المشايخ أنه مكروه وبعضهم جوزه مروي عن أبي يوسف أما بالجمرة فهو سنة الرجال وسيما المسلمين إه منح ملخصا وفي شرح المشارق للأكمل والمختار أنه خضب في وقت وتركه في معظم الأوقات ومذهبنا أن الصبغ بالحناء والوسمة حسن كما في الخانية قال النووي ومذهبنا استحباب خضاب الشيب للرجل والمرأة بصفرة أو حمرة وتحريم خضابه بالسواد على الأصح لقول عليه الصلاة والسلام غيروا هذا الشيب وجتنبوا السواد إه قال الحموي وهذا في حق غير الغزاة ولا يحرم في حقهم للإرهاب ولعله محمل من فعل ذلك من الصحابة ط (رد المحتار 6/ 756)

Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada

Checked & Approved:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)

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