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The Durood of Shibli after Every Salaah

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Allamah Sakhaawi (Rahmatullahi Alayh) reports from Abu Bakr bin Muhammad (Rahmatullahi Alayh): “While I was once in the presence of Shaikh Abu Bakr bin Mujaahid (Rahmatullahi Alayhi) and it so happened that Shaikh Shibli (Rahmatullahi Alayhi) arrived. Abu Bakr bin Mujaahid (Rahmatullahi Alayhi) rose from his seat, stepped forward, embraced the saint and kissed his forehead in honour. I asked him: “How is it that you bestow such honour on Shaikh Shibli (Rahatullahi Alayhi) when you and all the Ulama of Baghdad are of the opinion that he is a mad man?” Abu Bakr bin Mujaahid (Rahmatullahi Alayhi) replied: “I have only done that which I saw Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) do to him.”

He then related the following dream: “I had seen Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) in a dream and Shaikh Shibli appeared. Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) rose and kissed him on his forehead. When I asked the reason for this great honour, Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) replied: “After every salaah, this man used to recite the following verse:

 لَقَد جاءَكُم رَسولٌ مِن أَنفُسِكُم عَزيزٌ عَلَيهِ ما عَنِتُّم حَريصٌ عَلَيكُم بِالمُؤمِنينَ رَءوفٌ رَحيمٌ ﴿١٢٨


Verily the Messenger has come to you from among yourselves, it greatly causes him pain that you fall into distress and hardship, who is extremely anxious for your welfare, for the believers he is full of compassion and mercy.


He thereafter would recite the following durood:


صلى الله عليك با محمد صلى الله عليك يا محمد صلى الله عليك يا محمد


Abu Bakr (Rahmatullahi Alaihi) continues: “After having seen this dream, I met Shibly (Rahmatullahi Alaihi) and asked him, “What durood do you recite upon Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) after salaah?” The reply he gave was exactly the same as I had seen in my dream” (Fazaail Durood)


يَا رَبِّ صَلِّ وَ سَلِّم دَائِمًا أَبَدًا عَلَى حَبِيبِكَ خَيرِ الخَلْقِ كُلِّهِمِ

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