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Be Positive!


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The husband and wife should both protect themselves from negative thinking. The one who is positive sees everything in good spirits, whereas the one who is negative sees everything falling apart. A positive person enjoys the beauty of the rose, whilst a negative person continues to complain about the thorn beneath it.


If the husband and wife have a negative mind, then every word and move of any of the spouses will be a means of pain to the other. Everything will then be misinterpreted and will become a point of dispute. Don’t be like the wife who once told her husband: “Today I really saw a pious man. He was flying in the sky.” When the husband replied: “That was me,” she immediately responded: “I was wondering why he was flying so crooked.”


We simply need to become more positive. Before doing anything negative or jumping to any conclusion, reflect as to where this negativity will lead us to. Be positive. Insha-Allah you will enjoy positive outcomes.


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