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Status Updates posted by Rochdi

  1. Assalamu aalikum!

  2. That feeling in my heart is so huge,

    In Allah' embrace is my refuge.

  3. "It is better to sit alone than in company with the bad; and it is better still to sit with the good than alone. It is better to speak to a seeker of knowledge than to remain silent; but silence is better than idle words." (Bukhari)

  4. Wa Alaykum Assalam Wa Rahmatu Allahi Ta'ala Wa Barakatuh.

  5. He is The One I turn to,In time of joy orIn time of sorrow.And He is The One I love tooFor He is my LordThe Owner of my day,And of my uncertain tommorrow.

  6. A light exists within every one of us; the dark soldiers of the evil are constantly trying to put it out. They sometimes, win the battle but they shall never win the war. As long as we remain far-off the thorny path of the Devil we shall always have the upper hand.

  7. Lower your gaze,Throw the Devil into the maze.Clear away the mistWave away the haze!

  8. Lower your gaze, Throw the Devil into the maze. Clear away the mist Wave away the haze!

  9. "every one of us has a whispering shadow tied up to his soul, beautifying the bad and magnifying the evil. The choice is ours then! Either we surrender to him and we definitely lose, or we follow the light and we win undoubtedly!"

  10. Fight the thorny hissings,And stand on the path of the strong.Search for the good which is missing,And stay away from that which is wrong.Seek Allah’s true blessingsStep on the serpent’s tongue.

  11. O Allah, Shower Your Mercy On Us! Show Us The Light And Lead Us Through The Dark Corridors Of This Earthly Maze!

  12. Keep remembering AllahWhen you’re on the lonely way,For only remains the sweet scentOf the words of Allah,While the enemy’s empty words Vanish and fade away.

  13. Soubhana AllahAlhamdu LillahLa ilaha illa AllahAllahu Akbar.Soubhana AllahAlhamdu LillahLa ilaha illa AllahAllahu Akbar.Soubhana AllahAlhamdu LillahLa ilaha illa AllahAllahu Akbar.Soubhana AllahAlhamdu LillahLa ilaha illa AllahAllahu Akbar!

  14. Soldiers, Armed with faith.Soldiers, Armed with words.Soldiers, Seeking no other rewardExcept the one; From the lord of the worlds.

  15. Innumerable are the blessings of Allah but we’re just poor and mean blind.

  16. When The Heart Is Blind, Cataclysms And Calamities Are To Be Expected.

  17. "Shake the form,Shake the size;Scrub the scales of your eyes !"

  18. On Dawah Airlines:"Everybody Get On Board! Come, Join Us! No need To Fasten Your Belt! This Is The Flight To The Light, We Promise You A Peaceful Trip On The Heavenly Height, Speed: As Fast As The Light, Crew: Allah’s Blessings, Destination: A Strong Imaan And A Clear Sight."

  19. It Is Not That Strange To See That Guidance Becomes A Herculean Task When You Are In Front Of Blind And Arrogant People!

  20. I respect the young and revere the old,No surprise; I am a Muslim.I help the weak and visit the sick,No surprise; I am a Muslim.I lower my gaze and walk straight,No surprise; I am a Muslim.I speak the truth and fight falsehood,No surprise; I am a Muslim.I remember AllahAnd stick firmly, to his Deen,No surprise; I am a Muslim.I love Muhammad (PPBUH)And I act upon his teachings,No surprise; I am a Muslim.I spreadLight, Peace,And loveNo surprise;I am a Muslim.

  21. ربنا من أطمَـعَنا في عفوك وجودك وكرمك , و ألهمنا شكر نعمائك , وأتى بنا إلى بابكاللهم اقل العثرة وأغفر الزلة وجد بحلمك على من لا يرجوا غيرك ولا سواكاللهم أهدنا فيمن هديت , وعافنا فيمن عافيت , وتولنا فيمن توليتاللهم إنا أسألك رحمة من عندك , تهدنا بها قلبنا , وتجمع بها أمرنا , وتلم بها شعثنااللهم اغفر للمؤمنين والمؤمنات والمسلمين والمسلمات الأحياء منهم والأمواتاللهم إنا نعوذ برضاك من سخطك ونعوذ بمعافاتك من عقوبتكاللهـم اكفنا بحلالك عن حرامك وأغننا بفضلك عمن سواكاللهم إنا نسألك علما نافعا...

  22. Every time I see an injustice,I die a little,O God, Why am I so weak?So brittle?Outside, The wind doth blowsCold and freezing Like the river which flowsUnder these bare feet of mine.Inside, A pain in my heart growsSharp edged,It digs and it gnawsThis fragile body of mine.

  23. Seize the present day,Yesterday is gone and dead. Tomorrow is an uncertain day, Think about it! A wise man once, said!

  24. Let the message of peace prevailIslam is: Peace; a truth to unveil.

  25. Alhamdu Lillah! He is Allah, my Creator, Lord of the worlds, God of Adam and Eve, my God; the light of my life. If I take a breath, it’s only by His command, and if I draw a plan and try to carry it out it’s only by His will. I cannot attain an objective without His agreement; He is The King, The Sovereign, and The Supreme Master. Everything belongs to Him, my past, my present, and my probable future. He gave me all what I have; permitted me to roam freely on His land, and to eat abundantl...

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